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Keep Merida Brave!

Merida, the extraordinary princess from Pixar’s movie Brave! has gone through a P.R. makeover by Disney’s. The whole point of the film’s character Merida was to show another image of a heroine, which doesn’t align with all expectations of society (or the medias which made them). Do be part Disney Princess Collection she got slimmed down, with wider eyes and a new glamourous hairdo.
Jon Steward says mutely “fuck you Disney” and explains what happened: Already 200’000 people have signed a petition to keep Merida brave on change.org. Disney responds to that: ‘While, yes, the new Merida will apear on some merchandise, the original Merida will still exist. And that really, Merida just wanted to ‘dress up’ for her coronation ceremony…’
Jon Steward then goes on: “Because they think, you are fucking stupid!” Find more about Meridas’ Make-over on “A mighty Girl: Together We Can Keep Merida Brave!”

Go to Website on “Don’t change our hero” on change.org and read and sign the petition to the Walt Disney Company

This is on The Daily Show from May 16th and also more about Disney’s atempt to reach out for Latinos and trade mark their “Day of the Death” Dia de los muertos.

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