Home > Art, Culture, Politics > Why was “The call” banned? (Der Ruf)

Why was “The call” banned? (Der Ruf)

January 5th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

Last time I looked something up on Wikipedia it was about the german literary circle “Gruppe 47”, which got its group name because they where founded in the year 1947 after WW2. Fortuitously I looked this article up in both languages, german and english and surprisingly (or maybe not so much so) they have a very different viewpoint on the why of the fact that the groups newsflyer “Der Ruf” (the call) was banned 1947 – but see for yourself:

Screenshot Wikieintrag Gruppe 47 de Screenshot Wikieintrag Gruppe 47 en

So, who is right? Write if you know more.

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