Everyone has seen the “preslude of farewell” of W:
حذاء القدس
يشـاء الله لا ما قـد تشـاء *** وفرعـون ٌ يركّعه الحـذاءُ
أمنتظر الزبيدي أنت فحـلٌ *** تـجاذبك الأذلاّء الغثــاءُ
فوا خجـلاً لأجناد ٍ تحلّـوا *** بضبط النفس إذ ْ وقع العداءُ
حذاء القدس والأقصى إمامٌ *** وأحذية الطهـارة لا تُسـاءُ
وإن قُذفت بوجه النذل يوماً *** فيكفيها الشـجاعة والإبـاءُ
أأسـلحة تُكدّس في بـلادي *** رموزُ مذلةٍ شـبعت صداءُ
فإن حُبس السلاحُ فكـان نِداً *** وأصبحت الجيوش لها مواءُ
ونافـقت المشايخ لابن لُكْع *** ولم تعد السيوفُ لها مَضاءُ
إذا غُزيت حواضرنا فهُنـّا *** ولم تغلي بـأوداج ٍ دمـاءُ
إذا كُشـفت حرائرُنا وبيعت *** ولم يعد الرجال بهم حيـاءُ
فـلا يبقـى أمـام الحرّ إلاّ *** مقال الحـق يتبعه الحـذاءُ
فكلب الروم يُخسأ لا يُمارى *** ليركع للحذاء كمـا نشـاءُ
وويـلٌ للأعادي إن ظهرنا *** وكان النصر وارتفع اللّواءُ
سـيعلم يومها الظـلاّم ُ أنّا *** أُولُو بأس ٍ إذا حكم القضاءُ
Wishing you “mubarak aid”, merry christmas and a happy new year.
Meanwhile the “financial chrisis” that remains a fiction for “common humans” and just seems to hit oligarchs and other gambling rich guys, I am asking myself: “In what a world are we living in?”
There has been a lot of excitement lately around the Somalian pirates. The western “1st world countries” are beeing hurt on a sensitive nerve, especially in a time of “financial crisis” when they cannot really afford it. Maybe it’s time for Africans to take back for what they have been betrayed over centuries…
Here’s a nice song by George Harrison:
And maybe one needs to know how to talk like a pirate?
There has been a lot of excitement lately around the Somalian pirates. The western “1st world countries” are beeing hurt on a sensitive spot, especially in a time of “financial crisis” when they cannot really afford it. Maybe it’s time for Africans to take back for what they have been betrayed over centuries…
Here’s a nice song by George Harrison:
And maybe one needs to know how to talk like a pirate?
The swiss military seems to own “cluster bombs“. Now, after an agreement in Oslo, our country has to destroy those bombs, that Switzerland has bought for an amount of SFR 670 Mio. Some fascist swiss militant militarist still think, that we need that ammunition to “keep the peace”. In what kind of world are we living? We consider to be a so called “neutral country”!
Watch the following report of swiss television (in german language):