Rhizom Widmung
[…] Ein US-Programmierer verlor 2013 seinen Job, weil er seine Arbeit an chinesische Programmierer outgesourct hatte. Er selbst war im Büro jahrelang unentdeckt nur am Chatten und schaute Katzenvideos.
Source: 20Min 23SEP2014
[…] Ein US-Programmierer verlor 2013 seinen Job, weil er seine Arbeit an chinesische Programmierer outgesourct hatte. Er selbst war im Büro jahrelang unentdeckt nur am Chatten und schaute Katzenvideos.
Source: 20Min 23SEP2014
Tonight at 21:12 UTC one of the LSZH (Zurich Airport) Tower Air Traffic Control Operators signed off after 32 years and did his last call.
Listen to what he said and what the Pilot, of SWR180 with destination VTBS (Bangkok), responded:
Transcript of LSZH TWR 118.100 Mhz SUN 19OCT2014 2112Z
SWR180: SWR 1-8-0
LSZH TWR: Now I will do my last radio call and then after 32 years of Tower LSZH this will be the end for me and I will put away the microphone
SWR180: You are such a badass! I am so happy that I am the one responding to your last call.
LSZH TWR: Nice! A good planem the right destination and that will be it: SWR180 wind 1-4-0 degrees 5kt runway 34 cleared for takeoff. Bye bye!
SWR180: Cleared for takeoff runway 34 SWR180. Thanks a lot all good and I want to see you on my plane one day.
LSZH TWR: Thanks a lot
SWR45T (HB-IXU Avro-RJ100) had a right main gear indication problem after departure in LSZH rwy 28 on 26th September 2014. Listen to the ATCO recording, how the incident was handled.
SWR14E is holding over GIPOL for fuel dump after bird strike on takeoff rwy 16 (cleared VEBIT 3 SIERRA).
During liftoff the A330 had a bird strike with some bigger bird (probably a heron), which was only reported on LSZH DEP frequency (125.950). Listen to what the first officer reported:
LSZH DEP 125.950 1118 UTC:
Due to the missing fuel dump equipment the aircraft was circling for more than 3 hours to burn some fuel before landing on rwy 16 again.
During the whole “incident” the pilots did not declare emergency (squawk 7700), nor “Pan Pan”. The co-Pilot simply reported “vibrations” caused from engine 1 and was busy to omit Cumulus buildups, not shutting down engine 1, as it seemingly has not been damaged.
Here is the full ATC recording between LSZH Controller and LX14E:
ATC transcript LX14E 09SEP2014:
SWR14E: Zurich delivery gruezi wohl das isch Swiss 14E information PAPA Airbus 343 (A330-343X) requesting clearance, negative 28
LSZH DEL: Good afternoon say again the callsign please
SWR14E: It’s Swiss 14E (SWR14E)
LSZH DEL: 14E hello cleared to JFK runway 16 VEBIT3S squawk 3036
SWR14E: copied VEBIT3S on runway 16 to JFK the squawk 3036 and we call you when we are fully ready
LSZH DEL: roger
SWR14E: Delivery the SWR14E is now fully ready
LSZH DEL: SWR14E for startup monitor APRON 121.850 good bye
SWR14E: 121 decimal 850 SWR14E
LSZH APRON NORTH: SWR14E gruezi pushback and startup approved
SWR14E: Pushback startup approved SWR14E gruezi
SWR14E: SWR14E ready for taxi
LSZH APRON NORTH: SWR14E turn left taxi via taxiway JULIET CHARLIE and ECHO to the holding position ECHO2
SWR14E: J C E to hp E2 SWR14E
LSZH APRON NORTH: SWR14E standby on tower 118 decimal 1 schöne Tag
SWR14E: Standby on tower 118.1 SWR14E uf Widerseh
LSZH TWR: SWR14E tower gruezi mitenand behind Airbus lineup runway 16 your departure in eight minutes
SWR14E: Roger SWR14E gruezi wohl behind the Airbus in front lineup 16
LSZH TWR: SWR14E the winds 330 degrees 3 knodts runway 16 cleared takeoff
SWR14E: Cleared for takeoff runway 16 SWR14E
LSZH TWR: SWR14E contact departure ade
SWR14E: to departure SR14E
SWR14E: Zuri departure the SWR14E heavy 2800ft climbing 5000ft
LSZH DEP: SWR14E heavy departure identified climb to FL120
SWR14E: Climb to FL120 SWR14E
SWR14E: Ahh departure SWR14E
LSZH DEP: go ahead
SWR14E: we had a bird strike during takeoff through the engine 1 on the left engine we have vibrations it looked like some kind of a heron rather a big bird and for the moment we are proceeding on the clearance but we might to turn back we have to contact maintainance
LSZH DEP: SWR14E roger thats copied report if you need any assistance or if you prefer to go to a holding
SWR14E: we would like to proceed according to he clearance climb to about 120 and then till then we should should be able to have an indication by maintainance
LSZH DEP: ok very good thats all copied keep me advised and continue as cleared SWR14E
SWR14E: SWR14E and it was just during lifoff maybe you have to inspect the runway
LSZH DEP: we will do the runway inspection
SWR14E: SWR14E go (ahead)
LSZH DEP: do you request to remain on the frequency or for the next one for further climb?
SWR14E: negative further climb for the moment request to maintain FL120 and stay on the frequency I call you back in a minute
LSZH DEP: ok roger
SWR14E: Departure SWR14E request initially direct GIPOL for holding
LSZH DEP: SWR14E roger turn right to GIPOL and hold
SWR14E: right GIPOL and hold SWR14E
LSZH DEP: und zu ihrer Information si haend raecht grossi Vogelteil uf dr Pischte gfunde (for your information they found pretty big remainings of birds on the runway)
SWR14E: si haend raecht grossi Vogelteil uf dr Pischte gfunde danke fuer d’Info (reading back, thanks for info) SWR14E
LSZH DEP: SWR14E contact now final please on 125.325 sind informiert (have been informed)
SWR14E: 125.325 SWR14E danke
SWR14E: Final SWR14E heavy FL120 course GIPOL
LSZH FINAL APP: SWR14E gruezi wohl
SWR14E: SWR14E request right turn to avoid tower cumulus
LSZH FINAL APP: SWR14E thats approved
SWR14E: SWR14E on course GIPOL and hold
SWR14E: and SWR14E fyi we just increased the speed for short while to check engine parameters
LSZH FINAL APP: SWR14E no problem
SWR14E: and Zurich Final from the SWR14E heavy
SWR14E: it looks like that we come back for Zurich the reason is that we had a bird strike after the departure what we do now is hold over GIPOL if possible and we try to get below the max landing mass which takes around an hour or more we have just started calculation and we request to reduce the speed to around 180 to get fuel off to reduce the fuel SWR14E
LSZH FINAL APP: SWR14E that is copied you have no speed restrictions and is FL120 still fine or would you like to descend?
SWR14E: negative request to stay on FL120 SWR14E heavy
LSZH FINAL APP: SWR14E roger all copied
SWR14E: Final SWR14E
LSZH FINAL APP: SWR14E go (ahead)
SWR14E: we had just background noise just thats why I called SWR14 into GIPOL hold FL120
SWR14E: Glatt he?
LSZH FINAL APP: Wie bitte?
SWR14E: Nuet nuet, mir haend wider background noise
LSZH FINAL APP: Wenn’s daenn noed gaht choemmer uf ne anderi Frequaenz waechsle
SWR14E: Nanai scho guet zwuesched dure chunnts eifach aso haemmers wider
SWR14E: SWR14E go ahead
LSZH FINAL APP: Laufet bi oi no beidi Triber oder haend ihr jetz dr eint abgstellt?
SWR14E: Nanai es laufet no beid Triber aso ganz normal mir haend eifach em Engine 1 e höcheri Vibration
LSZH FINAL APP: Ok, danke fuer d’Info
SWR14E: Wie gseit hr haend en Vogel gfunde gaellet uf dr Pischte oder Teili?
LSZH FINAL APP: Mehreri Teili vo Voegel!
SWR14E: Ok, danke
LSZH FINAL APP: Die sind sicher 10 Minute no am putze gsy mit 5 Putzmaschine also ich glaub ihr haend oeppis raechts vewuetscht
SWR14E: Ok, danke fuer d’Info
Very nice GNU/Linux performance observation sheet, made by Brendan Gregg:
The 78 Hydroptère is currently cruising around in the lake of Zurich. – What a beauty!
Congratulations, Linus Torvalds, and thanks for inventing and writing the GNU/Linux Kernel since 23(!) years!
Hello everybody out there using minix –
I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
since april, and is starting to get ready. I’d like any feedback on
things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
(same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
among other things).I’ve currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work.
This implies that I’ll get something practical within a few months, and
I’d like to know what features most people would want. Any suggestions
are welcome, but I won’t promise I’ll implement them 🙂Linus (torv…@kruuna.helsinki.fi)
PS. Yes – it’s free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs.
It is NOT protable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never
will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that’s all I have :-(.
Source: usenet comp.os.minix
Congratulations, CCC!
Chaos Computer Club supports Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden
2014-08-24 00:52:00, 46halbeSince its founding more than thirty years ago, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) holds strong beliefs in the freedom of information. Consequentially, freedom fighters and whistleblowers deserve our utmost respect and support. For this reason we will help the European legal team of Edward Snowden financially.
Asylum, legal counsel and protection are costly. This is why we decided to support Snowden’s six European lawyers with 36.000 Euro to cover their expenses. Earlier this year, the CCC general assembly also decided to offer Edward Snowden the honorary membership, which he accepted gladly.
“The long lasting dedication of the CCC and others for citizen’s rights and against mass surveillance paved the road for a broad public debate after Edward Snowden’s revelations”, said Snowden’s German lawyer, Wolfgang Kaleck. “Both the commitment as well as the support for Snowden require perseverance. The financial support provided will help sustain these efforts.”
Edward Snowden is the source of many leaks about the so-called Intelligence Community and their hacking and surveillance operations, which made news headlines all over the world. He ignited the necessary global discussion by informing journalists about how much and how deeply we are being spied on by the NSA and their partners, how they infiltrate telecommunication and Internet service providers. One of our central claims and part of our hacker ethics is: “Public data should be utilized, private data should be protected.” Edward Snowden had the guts to live by our principles.
Undoubtedly, Chelsea Manning’s courageous actions also stand in line with these values of ours. To express our support and respect, the CCC bi-annual general assembly unanimously voted for offering her the honorary membership. She agreed to accept our offer. Needless to say, it is an outstanding honor for us to count Chelsea Manning as one of us!
The former US private Chelsea Manning, stationed in Iraq in 2009 and 2010, was sentenced for violations of the Espionage Act and other offences in August 2013. Allegedly, she transferred hundreds of thousands of military and U.S. State Department documents and the infamous “collateral murder” video to Wikileaks. Detained as a political prisoner in 2010 under unduly harsh conditions without minimal standards of humane treatment and stripped of her clothing in custody every night, Manning is now serving a 35-year sentence for her courageous acts. [1]
[1] Alexa O’Brien at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress (30c3) reporting on the secret trial of Chelsea Manning
[2] Edward Snowden Interview Transcript
Brave! – Become a CCC member yourself today!