
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Terror, Christmas & fear … it’s all fiction!

December 16th, 2008 No comments

Wishing you “mubarak aid”, merry christmas and a happy new year.

Meanwhile the “financial chrisis” that remains a fiction for “common humans” and just seems to hit oligarchs and other gambling rich guys, I am asking myself: “In what a world are we living in?”

Categories: Politics Tags:

Pirate 2.0

December 15th, 2008 No comments

There has been a lot of excitement lately around the Somalian pirates. The western “1st world countries” are beeing hurt on a sensitive nerve, especially in a time of “financial crisis” when they cannot really afford it. Maybe it’s time for Africans to take back for what they have been betrayed over centuries…

Here’s a nice song by George Harrison:

And maybe one needs to know how to talk like a pirate?

Categories: Malawi, Politics Tags: , ,

New Federal Council

December 10th, 2008 No comments

There has been a lot of excitement lately around the Somalian pirates. The western “1st world countries” are beeing hurt on a sensitive spot, especially in a time of “financial crisis” when they cannot really afford it. Maybe it’s time for Africans to take back for what they have been betrayed over centuries…

Here’s a nice song by George Harrison:

And maybe one needs to know how to talk like a pirate?

Categories: Politics Tags:

Freedom activist security mesures

March 25th, 2008 No comments

The Washington Post” and “der Standard” have reported today, that chinese hackers have tried to break into tibetan activist organisations networks and computers to steal encryption keys. Encryption keys are used to sign and encrypt electronic messages like E-Mails. China operates the world’s largest and most restrictive “Firewall” to censor internet communication and obscure information. Further it is known that in China a certain hacker group called “Titan Rain”, that is most probably financed and supported by the chinese government has been attacking the Pentagon and the german “chancelor house. Many tibetan organisations and activists notice a higher amount on suspect trojans and viruses. But thanks to the operation of Free Software such as the GNU/Linux operation system and Free Sowftware applications, such as GnuPG for encryption and the Tor Project for anonymous internet, the damage has been kept low.

I urge tibetan activists, journalists and news reporters to use encryption technology to secure and assure internet communication. To bypass the chinese firewall (e.g. to access the internet from Lhasa) it is most advisable to use Tor or similar anonymiser software. (see my blog post from the 18th of march 2008).

Internet Censorship

Stop the Chinese genocide in Tibet

March 21st, 2008 No comments

For almost 50 years the tibetans have been terrified by the chinese government. The Tibetans deserve their own freedom, their own country, religious freedom, press freedom, freedom of speech and human rights. The Chinese government oppresses its dictatoric kommunism in a perverted mixture with kapitalism on its citizens and Tibetans. Not even Chinese artists have a freedom of expression and creative work. The chinese firewall filters and censores the internet. After the protests from the 10th of March 2008 in Lhasa the chinese government has banished all international organisations, journalists and photographers. The chinese television is further being used for chinese propaganda, not showing how chinese soldiers are killing Tibetan manifestants. The united nations and many countries all over the world have not yet show any reaction to the latest chinese invasion in Lhasa. The Tibetans need our support and solidarity now. Boycott Chinese products & boycott the olympic games in Bejing this year. Stand up for freedom and human rights!

Flag of Tibet

Some Links:

Tibet Focus (Switzerland)

Tibetan Center of human rights

Free Tibet Blog NY

Phanyul News

Blog from Kathmandu

Free Tibet Blog (German)

Censored Videos and pictures from Lhasa and elsewhere

Panchen Lama

Free Tibet

Categories: Art, Blogroll, Politics Tags:

Microsoft corrupts nigerian government

November 2nd, 2007 No comments

Mandriva LogoThe nigerian administration suddenly changed its mind over the 17’000 Classmate PCs delivered with preinstalled GNU/Linux Mandriva to install Microsoft Windows. The CEO of Mandriva blogged in an open letter to Steve Ballmer: “Hey Steve, how do you feel looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning?”

As I blogged some time ago on my Malawi Blog the race of the OS’ seems to be over in the “western world”. But as the african continent offers financial success on its “new markets” it is an worthful aim for neo-imperialistic ploys. The race goes on.

[Update 2rd February 2017]:
Corrected Link to Mandriva Blog

Categories: Free Software, Malawi, Politics Tags:

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

October 16th, 2007 No comments

In THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is the gripping story of how America’s “free market” policies have come to dominate the world– through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.

Categories: Politics Tags: