
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Che scemo! Concerto al Pantheon interrotto per chiusura

March 9th, 2010 No comments

Ecco un esempio, dove sta la “Cultura italiana” oggi:

Il concerto Bach al Pantheon, qualche giorni fa, era interrotto per chiusura del Pantheon “puntualmente”. Che schifo! Ma magari non e una surpresa, come il Direttore generale del patrimonio culturale del ministerio dei “beni culturali” in Italia attualmente e il ex-amministratore delegato di McDonald’s Italia. Che cultura monousa!

Expose your private parts to avoid Google tracking

February 10th, 2010 No comments

The “Berlin way” to hinder Google maps tracking:

Track the trackers (

More about this:

@fffffat (twitter)

And here’s the “Norwegian way” of protesting for privacy:
(Read more on Boingboing)

This reminds me of a project we did in 2004, when I studies media arts at the University of arts and applied sciences, messing around with an omnidirectional video camera, recording the streets in Zurich:

TED talk by Peter Eigen about exposing the corrupt

February 9th, 2010 No comments

I strongly recommend the following talk by Peter Eigen, ex Director at the Worl Bank in Nairobi, who talks about how to expose the corrupt.

Further let me at this point remind you of my Blog post about Neoimperialism that I wrote during my project in Malawi.

"état de siège"

December 31st, 2009 1 comment
Happy 2010

Happy 2010

Für das Neue Jahr wünsche ich

“Mehr Ausnahme vom Zustand”

Pour la nouvelle année je souhaite

“Plus d’état du siège”

For the New Year I wish

“More state on emergency”

Categories: Art, Politics Tags:

Eid al-Fitr – عيد الفطر

September 19th, 2009 No comments

Eid al-Fitr

Ramadan Karim – رمضان كريم

August 21st, 2009 1 comment
Arabic calligraphy

Arabic calligraphy


March 26th, 2009 No comments

«As long as humans act upon personal responsibility, injustice will not be nurtured»

World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Congratulations, Mr. Wagner!

March 22nd, 2009 1 comment

Roland Wagner is the new world record holder in 50 meters freestyle with a spectaculous time of 00:00:00 ! Congratulations, Mr. Wagner!

Roland Wagner, Champion Wletrekord

Roland Wagner
Cabaret Voltaire

Losar Tashi Delek (2136)

February 25th, 2009 No comments

Losar Tashi Delek (happy new year) to all tibetan people, lots of success, good health and happiness!

Link: New Year Message of H.H. the Dalai Lama to the Tibetan People

Tibetan National Emblem

Tibetan National Emblem

“Mission Accompished”

December 16th, 2008 No comments

Everyone has seen the “preslude of farewell” of W:

     حذاء القدس
     يشـاء الله لا ما قـد تشـاء    ***  وفرعـون ٌ يركّعه الحـذاءُ
     أمنتظر الزبيدي أنت فحـلٌ ***  تـجاذبك الأذلاّء الغثــاءُ
     فوا خجـلاً لأجناد ٍ تحلّـوا ***  بضبط النفس إذ ْ وقع العداءُ
     حذاء القدس والأقصى إمامٌ ***  وأحذية الطهـارة لا تُسـاءُ
     وإن قُذفت بوجه النذل يوماً ***  فيكفيها الشـجاعة والإبـاءُ
     أأسـلحة تُكدّس في بـلادي ***  رموزُ مذلةٍ شـبعت صداءُ
     فإن حُبس السلاحُ فكـان نِداً    ***  وأصبحت الجيوش لها مواءُ
     ونافـقت المشايخ لابن لُكْع ***  ولم تعد السيوفُ لها مَضاءُ
     إذا غُزيت حواضرنا فهُنـّا  ***  ولم تغلي بـأوداج ٍ دمـاءُ
     إذا كُشـفت حرائرُنا وبيعت ***  ولم يعد الرجال بهم حيـاءُ
     فـلا يبقـى أمـام الحرّ إلاّ ***  مقال الحـق يتبعه الحـذاءُ
     فكلب الروم يُخسأ لا يُمارى ***  ليركع للحذاء كمـا نشـاءُ
     وويـلٌ للأعادي إن ظهرنا  ***  وكان النصر وارتفع اللّواءُ
     سـيعلم يومها الظـلاّم ُ أنّا ***  أُولُو بأس ٍ إذا حكم القضاءُ


Categories: Politics Tags: , , ,