This is an Orange
Do you believe what you can see whith your own eyes?
Or do you believe what you are told?
Midnight Caller
“Goodnight America. Wherever you are.”
America yet another step further ahead…
Whileย here (some) people and politicians still struggle with how to bend the truth to fit their/our purpose, meanwhile in America, especially for theย GOPs (Republican Party) people it’s already clear that feelings are the same as facts (FEELINGS=FACTS) or even better than facts, and that as politicians they’re eligible because they can “CREATE FACTS” – Those are the real creationists.
Video of the show “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver”, 24th July 2016
Why was “The call” banned? (Der Ruf)
Last time I looked something up on Wikipedia it was about the german literary circle “Gruppe 47”, which got its group name because they where founded in the year 1947 after WW2. Fortuitously I looked this article up in both languages, german and english and surprisingly (or maybe not so much so) they have a very different viewpoint on the why of the fact that the groups newsflyer “Der Ruf” (the call) was banned 1947 – but see for yourself:
So, who is right? Write if you know more.
Justice meme
Here’s a justice meme, referring to swiss history when the minister of justice resigned in 1989 saying that she was whether legally nor morally guilty in any way, after she warned her husband about the change of law against money laundry.
Global Human Rights Justice on trial
Wolfgang Neskovics, former judge at the German Federal High Court of Justice, released the translation of the CIA report on torture and his analysis, demanding to prosecute and imprison former US statesmen, such as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, George Tenet and Donald Rumsfeld:
“Criminal prosecution is not only possible, but essential and inevitable.”
Source: ntv
“The decision on a possible prosecution is a practical probation-test for the truthfulness and functioning of our legal system.”
US of A, aka Yankee-Land once more coming up with “evidence” for “crimes on humankind”, this time, – and once more, – with some bogus satellite images of MH17 crash site.
moar yankee-lulz:
– Russia cashing out US$ 50 bio for Yukos shareholders – OMFG!1!!
– NSA seeking for Spin-Doc – WTF!1!!
Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance
34 International Experts Weigh in On Mass Surveillance on Snowden Anniversary
Today, a group of over 400 organizations and experts, along with 350,000 individuals, continue to rally in support of the 13 International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance (the Necessary and Proportionate Principles) a year to the day after Edward Snowden first revealed how governments are monitoring individuals on a massive scale. The international experts who supported the Necessary and Proportionate Principles has issued a press release containing quotes from professionals weighing in on the need to end the mass surveillance.