
Posts Tagged ‘Music’

Copy me: Technological change and the consumption of music

August 26th, 2011 No comments

… worth reading:

Copy me: Technological change and the consumption of music

CC-by-sa 3.0 2009 by Nick White

For those who worry about the cultural, economic and political power of the global media companies, the dreamed-of revolution is at hand. The industry may right now be making a joyful noise unto the Lord, but it is we, not they, who are about to enter the promised land. (Moglen 2001)


Technological changes have political implications. Changing the way we interact with things encourages a reconsideration of the rules and institutions that have governed previous interactions with them.

The current debate about copies of recorded music using the Internet is an excellent example of this, and by examining it one may better understand the relations between people and recorded music, and between listeners and the traditional publishers of music.

While undoubtedly a great deal may be usefully said and examined in other technological changes in music recordings, I will here focus primarily on filesharing, as it is something I have been somewhat involved in myself, and hence I have significantly more knowledge ‘from the inside.’

I will begin by discussing traditional definitions of ‘commodity,’ and then move on to a very brief overview of historical trends in copying and music recording. I will also touch upon the printing press in order to discuss the creation and rationale behind copyright laws, which form a major part the present filesharing debate. I will then go into greater depth into the current practises of people who share music on filesharing networks, and the response by the recording industry, before embarking on an analysis of the meaning and significance of some of these new practises and dialogues.

It should be noted that I’m speaking primarily of England and the United States of America, and the situation will be somewhat different in other parts of the world.


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“The Concert” – a disconcerting moment for free culture

November 10th, 2010 No comments

27C3 Chaos Communication Congress event 4201

Corey Cerovsek, known worldwide for their classical recital performances and Lix, accomplished artist present something that’s not quite an ordinary concert, to draw attention to the importance of the public domain in centuries of classical music tradition. It’s both more — and less — than what you might expect to see and hear at a classical concert.

To schedule an interview appointment, get in contact with the Impresario.

More info, see 27C3 Fahrplan.

Europa: Neue Leichtigkeit

October 6th, 2010 No comments
Categories: Art Tags: , , , , , ,

Scatterlings of Africa

January 19th, 2009 No comments

Lyrics of “Scatterlkings of Africa”:

Copper sun sinking low
Scatterlings and fugitives
Hooded eyes and weary brows
Seek refuge in the night

They are the scatterlings of Africa
Each uprooted one
On the road to Phelamanga
Where the world began
I love the scatterlings of Africa
Each and every one
In their hearts a burning hunger
Beneath the copper sun

Ancient bones from Olduvai
Echoes of the very first cry
“Who made me here and why
Beneath the copper sun?”
African idea
African idea
Make the future clear
Make the future clear


And we are the scatterlings of Africa
Both you and I
We are on the road to Phelamanga
Beneath a copper sky
And we are the scatterlings of Africa
On a journey to the stars
Far below, we leave forever
Dreams of what we were

Karlheinz Stockhausen R.I.P.

December 10th, 2007 No comments

The great composer and musician Karheinz Stockhausen has passed away the 5th of December 2007.

Categories: Art, ZHdK Tags: , ,