
Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

“So long, and Thanks for All the Fish”

November 17th, 2011 No comments

“Es interessiert uns nix. Warum auch? Wir müssten ja sonst was tun.”

November 9th, 2011 1 comment

Hagen Rether‘s Auftritt bei “Neues aus der Anstalt“.

English transcription:
(Link to Youtube video with english subtitles)

Rether! Hello.

Winners don’t exist any more. Only loosers exist nowadays. There are just to types of loosers. The guilty ones and the un-guilty ones.

In Libya there were no winners as well. But a Libyan now has the possibility having four women again. Wouldn’t this be the moment introducing womens rights now? Let us bomb Libya.

Since Peter Struck are SPD ordered air strikes a suitable mean for development aid. Democracy-bombers, we’re sending now. Because it’s so easy. Now Peter Struck became a member of the board of the “Friedrich Ebert Foundation”. Poor Friedrich Ebert. If he knew, he would alternately turn over in his grave and vomit, turn over in his grave and vomit, turn over in his grave and vomit.

And if, in Afghanistan, the aid of the women would continue to be so successful, we should be obligated to do so as well in other coutries. Everything else would be failure of performance. In Uzbekhistan, where women are being kidnapped, and in Saudi-Arabia where they aren’t alowed to drive a car. But we just don’t bother. It’s just not our business. We don’t even manage to support the opposition in Syria or in Iran. We just don’t bother. We don’t see any interest. It’s not our business.

Let us finally bomb India, for example. In India half a billion women are living in a caste system, which has nothing to do which rights for democracy, human rights or rights for women. But we fly there for Goa parties for enjoying the Ayurveda massages. They even get the nuclear weapon, as India is known for being a stable democracy.

There we stand in Calcutta with our back pack and watch how the kids are dying in the sunk. “Come on Hagen this is a tradition in India. The Indian does not know other than his caste system. They have a total different handling over dead and poverty. Who are we to think we should interfere, this would be arrogant and colonial.” “Yes true.” “Further the Indian lives from tourism. How would it be if India could finally live from what it produces? But no they aren’t allowed to do so. They get seeds by Monsanto, which doesn’t work. Thousands of Indian farmers commit suicide, which isn’t so bad for us, as the farmer’s widows perfectly know how to offer us Ayurveda massages.”

We just don’t bother. We don’t see any interest. It’s not our business.

And here everyone shouts for transparency and information. For the sake of what? We don’t do anything with it. We know everything, but don’t permutate our know-how. We would have to change our lives. Information for the sake of informing? That doesn’t help.

We know all under what poor circumstances these iPhones are being produced. But instead of feeling bad about it we buy that crap and stand in the queue for it. And Bill Gates, ahm sorry, Steve Jobs will be praised as employer-god for the next 300 years and clever inventor. “Hey Hagen, they don’t even have agreed wages in China. You can’t compare that. If the Chinese or the Indians would pay agreed wages, IKEA could close their business.”

Try buying a jogging suite in a store here which doesn’t come from a oblique Police state. We just don’t bother. We don’t see any interest. Nothing. Never. It’s not our business.

Mexico? I don’t know anything about it. I know that they starve because they can’t bake Tortillas any more, as the Maize price is being speculated to high. Our cattle gets that stuff in Germany and the rest used is as fuel.

“Oh shit the mineral oil is getting scarce soon. What should be using to tank up now?” “Mhmmm. Let us maybe tank up aliments.” “Oh good idea, but not our aliments, theirs.” “Well sure. It also was their mineral oil, stupid. Moron.”

We just don’t bother. We would have to do something. Which is silly. No we don’t. We are happy as it is.

And we think these undemocratic misogynist tribal structures in Afganistan are unappetising. Where we should do something against it. “Let us finally bomb the Masai in Africa. They live in tribal structures there. A Masai women is worth less than a sugar beet.” Is this of interest to us? “The Masai need elections for mayors, WIFI, suburban railways and washing machines. The Masai warriors marry 12 and 14 year old girls. This is unsupportable for us democrats. We should bomb away these Masai finally. This is hardly bearable. The Masai warriors will then be transmuted into ISAF Police men and the girls then go to schools and the kids being adopted by Madonna. For that they learn waht Democracy is. And then we’ll do this everywhere.”

Sure. It’s about free trade, not about Democracy. Horst Köhler (former German President) was the only guy who had the guts to name that we’re waging economical wars and a week later he was gone. It’s about free trade. And after that in the future we can sell our subsidised chicken feet to the Masai. – Happy christmas goose!

It’s time to stop talking about copyright

November 2nd, 2011 No comments

Cory Doctorow: It’s Time to Stop Talking About Copyright

“The story of modern Internet regulation and copyright goes back (at least) to 1995 and Al Gore’s National Information Infrastructure hearings, where Bruce Lehman, Bill Clinton’s copyright czar, pushed for expansive new copyright rules for the net. These proposals were pretty bonkers, so Gore sent him packing, and he scurried off to Geneva, to the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization, where he instigated the WIPO Copyright Treaty, which became US law in 1998, as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

We’ve been arguing about copyright and the Internet for at least 16 years now, and the arguments keep going back and forth over well-defined ground, wearing deep grooves in the discourse.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century: copyright policy ceased to exist. Because every copyright policy that we make has a seismic effect on the Internet, and because you can’t regulate copying without regulating the Internet.” […]

read more

Music = A Label?

October 28th, 2011 No comments

A response to an article in Wire and Woz (Swiss Newspapers Translation into German) from Chris Cutler on Kenneth Goldsmith about his epiphanies on filesharing

I admit, I am not very musical, I don’t play an instrument at the moment, I like classical and electronic music. So writing about music here seems odd. However I think the before mentioned articles are anything but about music. Let me explain.

Chris Cutler has two views on his statements against filesharing and uploading of music: One from The Artist and one from The Label and that might be part of the problem. Where there has been an increasing numbers of radios and studios and music that has been recorded in a studio, studio-music might not be everything what human beings are capable of doing in music.

Of course if you see the world of music circling around its production in studios and by artists which produce records in one of them, the consumer might be as marginal as to be reduced to a consumer (actually a perspective the author Chris Cutler wants to write against). However if you think music not only makes sense on the production in a studio side but also on the listener and the reproducers side, you might fling open other doors on the view about music. Read more…

Upcoming event: “The Politics of Copyright and the New Cultural Economy”

October 24th, 2011 No comments

On 6th of December 2011 2000h CET (1900h UTC) Cory Doctorow is going to have a talk on “The Politics of Copyright and the New Cultural Economy” at “Kunstraum Walcheturm” in Zurich.

“Der Kanadische Science Fiction Autor und politische Aktivist Cory Doctorow wird über die Politik des Urheberrechts und seine Erfahrungen mit der freien Kultur sprechen.”


Politischer Paradigmenwechsel

October 15th, 2011 2 comments

Sozialpolitisch ist das ja sehr interessant, dass Piratenparteien und Autonome den Staat an das Recht und die Verfassung erinnern müssen!

Im Klartext muss die Rede lauten:
Entspricht der “Staatstrojaner” den technischen Einschränkungen, welche vom Bundesverfassungsgericht vorgegeben wurden und wer trägt die Verantwortung dafür? Sind diese Einschränkungen in leicht oder grob fahrlässiger Weise übertreten worden und falls ja muss die Instanz, welche dafür haftet, zur ganzheitlichen Verantwortung gezogen werden.

Minister müssen zurücktreten, Regierungen ersetzt werden.

[Update 16. Oktober 2011]
Christopher Lauer schreibt “Überwachung unverzüglich stoppen, Quellcode offenlegen”

Christian Sickendieck schreibt “Der Verfassungsbruchminister”

Blackboards in Pr0n

October 11th, 2011 2 comments

Watch the image closely. – No! Not the stockings, stupid! THE BLACKBOARD!

Trigonometry in Pr0n:

Compound Angle Formulae

sin (A + B)
= sin A cos B + cos A sin B

cos (A + B)
= cos A cos B - sin A sin B

tan (A + B)
= tan A + tan B
1 - Tan A Tan B

The blog “Blackboards in Porn” is just hilarious!

Macht durch Geschwätz

September 22nd, 2011 No comments

»Das Geschwätz wurde eingesetzt, um Informationen darüber zu verbreiten, wie sich die Personen in einer Gruppe zu benehmen haben und die Schande derer zu befestigen, die die Regeln brachen. Durch das Geschwätz werden soziale Normen etabliert. Die Person, welche das Geschwätz in Umlauf bringt gewinnt Status und Macht durch die Demonstration seiner überlegenen Kenntnis der Normen. Die Person gewinnt so wertvolle Information darüber, wie man sich in Zukunft nicht verhalten sollte.«

Übersetzung aus David Brooks: The Social Animal, 2011

Categories: Art, Culture, Politics, Quote Tags:

Kategorien überwinden

September 20th, 2011 1 comment
»Der Vogel kämpft sich aus dem Ei. Das Ei ist die Welt. 
Wer geboren werden will, muss eine Welt zerstören.« 
(Abraxas; Hermann Hesse in Demian, 1919)

Sind uns soziale Paradigmen wichtig können wir vielleicht die Geschichte in zwei grosse Zeitalter seit den Römern, oder gar seit Urzeiten einteilen. Ein Zeitalter der Religionen und ein nachfolgendes Zeitalter, das des Pragmatismus und damit des Kapitalismus. Beide sind darüber bestummen, dass sobald deren Begriffe wichtig werden, sie darum wichtig sind, weil dadurch in irgendeiner Form Machtstrukturen oktroyiert werden können. Wo in der Religion die Theodizee, die Instanz für die Rechtfertigung Gottes war, hat in dem mit der Moderne entstandenen Kapitalismus die Wissenschaft diese Aufgaben für dessen Strukturen inne. In einem hat die Wissenschaft, die Mechaniken der Theodizee übernommen: Kategorien sind zentrale Einheiten, über die Macht gerechtfertigt wird. Taxonomien sind die ersten Bibeln der “unabhängigen” Wissenschafter und sie machen sich damit alle Tiere und Pflanzen, die ihnen über den Weg laufen untertan und gleichfalls alle Menschen, die jemals einem solcherweise taxonomierten Tier begegnen.

Europa hat sich mit Revolutionen von den Herrschern, welche religiös autorisierte Macht genossen haben befreit und anstelle dieser die wissenschaftlich autorisierten Machtträger installiert. Kategorien sind die Protagonisten in dieser Welt, die die Wissenschaft den kapitalistischen Machtträger in einem zuhälterischen Verhältnis hinreicht. Wir müssen also das Ei zerstören: Nicht die Könige und Zaren müssen geköpft werden, sondern die Kategorien und Begriffe, so dass der Vogel der Abraxas heisst zu Himmel fliegen kann und die Inhalte unterkommen wo sie Sinn machen, ohne wenn und aber.

Categories: Culture Tags: , , ,


September 18th, 2011 1 comment

In music management I know pretty well how musicians can literally give us a hard time and still, for the sake of culture and humanity, one tries to keep on feeding and supporting creativity. – Well there still are certain limits whereas the following clip shows pretty well how desperate one can end up …

“… you got exhalation and you got inhalation. – You know what I’m sayin’. Well I don’t blow! I suck!”
“What are you going to play for us, Jackson?”
“No. What tune?”
“What tune? That’s Jazzz!”
“Well! – Ihale away!” 😀

Categories: Culture Tags: , ,