„Gegen den Irrsinn können auch die Vernünftigen nichts machen.“
„Gegen den Irrsinn können auch die Vernünftigen nichts machen.“
“Shape Of My Heart” by Sting lyrics
He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn’t play for the money he wins
He don’t play for respectHe deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
[Studio version:] The hidden law of a probable outcome
[Live version:] The hidden laws of a probable outcome
The numbers lead a danceI know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heartHe may play the Jack of diamonds
He may lay the Queen of spades
He may conceal a King in his hand
While the memory of it fadesI know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heart
That’s not the shape, the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved you
You’d maybe think there’s something wrong
I’m not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is oneBut those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear a lossI know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heart
That’s not the shape of my heart
That’s not the shape, the shape of my heart
… be advised when playing poker: the bank always wins!
ATC recording of VLG7983 going around in LSZH on 13th of April 2017 audio transcript.
VLG7983 13APR2017 1830Z
1830Z LSZH APP 118.000
APP: VLG7983 left turn heading 090
VLG7983: left 090
1832Z LSZH APP 118.000
APP: VLG7983 reduce to(!) 200kt and contact final 125.325
VLG7983: speed 200kt and 125.325 VLG7983 good night
1832Z LSZH APP 125.325
VLG7983: ahh. Final good afternoon VLG7983 FL80
APP: VLG7983 ZRH final hello descend to FL70
VLG7983: descending FL70 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983reduce speed to 180kt
VLG7983: speed 180 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 turn left heading 030
VLG7983: left heading 030 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 turn left heading 360
VLG7983: left heading 360 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 descend to 6000ft QNH 1015
VLG7983: descending to 6000ft QNH 1015 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 reduce speed to 160kt
VLG7983: speed to 160 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 turn left heading 300 descend to 5000ft cleared ILS approach rwy 28 call when established
VLG7983: left heading 300 descending 5000ft cleared ILS rwy 28 and call you when established 7983
VLG7983: VLG7983 fully established ILS rwy 28
APP: VLG7983 roger
APP: VLG7983 reduce to minimum approach speed contact tower 118.1 bye bye
VLG7983: minimum speed and 118.1 VLG7983 bye
1840Z LSZH TWR 118.100
VLG7983: Tower good evening VLG7983 fully established ILS 28
TWR: VLG7983 tower hello continue approach
VLG7983: 7983
TWR: REGA1 confirm you have your transponder on
REGA1: (…) negative sorry
TWR: käs problem
REGA1: Jetz isch on
TWR: Danke vilmal, identified
REGA1: (…)
TWR: thank you
1841Z LSZH TWR 118.100
NLY6CQ: Fly Niki 6CQ can we use rwy 34?
TWR: VLG7983 go around
VLG7983: going around VLG7983
TWR: EIN34G yes that would have been possible but the 380 has blocked the way out there
EIN34G: ok
1842Z LSZH TWR 118.100
TWR: VLG7983 climb to 5000ft
VLG7983: climbing 5000ft VLG7983
TWR: VLG7983 contact arrival 118.0 good bye
VLG7983: 118.0 VLG7983 bye
1842Z LSZH APP 118.000
VLG7983: Approach good evening VLG7983 going around from rwy 28
APP: VLG7983 hello again climb to 6000ft
VLG7983: 6000 VLG7983
APP: and VLG7983 just confirm your are ready for the next approach?
VLG7983: yes, we are
APP: roger VLG7983 when passing 5000ft turn left heading 100 voctoring ILS 28 again
VLG7983: ok passing 5000 left heading 100 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 30 track miles to touchdown fly minimum clean spead
VLG7983: we are on minimum clean speed VLG7983 how many track miles
APP: 3-0
VLG7983: 30 thats copied
1846Z LSZH APP 118.000
APP: VLG7983 turn left heading 095
VLG7983: left left heading 095 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 contact final again 125.325 good bye
VLG7983: 125.325 VLG7983 bye
1847Z LSZH APP 125.325
VLG7983: ok, final good evening again VLG7983 heading 0956000
APP: VLG7983 ZRH final hello again reduce the speed to 180kt
VLG7983: speed 180 VLG7983
1848Z LSZH APP 125.325
APP: VLG7983 turn left heading 010
VLG7983: left heading 010 VLG7983
1849Z LSZH APP 125.325
APP: VLG7983 turn left heading 300
VLG7983: left heading 300 VLG7983
APP: VLG7983 descend to 5000ft cleared ILS approach rwy 28 report established
VLG7983: descending 5000 cleared ILS 28 report established VLG7983
1850Z LSZH APP 125.325
VLG7983: VLG7983 fully established
APP: VLG7983 roger
APP: VLG7983 reduce speed to 160kt
VLG7983: speed 160 7983
APP: VLG7983 no more speed restrictions contact tower 118.1 adios
VLG7983: 118.1 VLG7983 thank you, bye
1854Z LSZH TWR 118.100
VLG7983: tower good evening VLG7983 fully established ILS 28
TWR: VLG7983 hello again. continue approach. after landing to the left rwy 16 is available as a taxiway
VLG7983: thats copied rwy 16 available for taxi VLG7983
TWR: VLG7983 300 degrees 10kt rwy 28 cleared to land
VLG7983: cleared to land rwy 28 VLG7983
1856Z LSZH TWR 118.100
TWR: VLG7983 left into rwy 16 contact APRON 121.750
VLG7983: left into 16 and 121.750 VLG7983 thanks bye
1856Z LSZH APRON 121.750
VLG7983: APRON good evening VLG7893(!) on rwy 16
APRON: VLG7983 taxi via E7 and N to to stand A42
VLG7983: E7 and N to stand A42 VLG7983
“‘Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.’ There is great wisdom in this, but I would add that opinions differ significantly from assholes, in that yours should be constantly and thoroughly examined.”
by Tim Minchin
Here is how the “wifi call” feature of the mobile provider can kill your privacy when using the mobile phone shield.