
Posts Tagged ‘Freedom’

moar Cryptoparties!1!!

July 2nd, 2013 No comments

Worried about surveillance and control? Still living in 1984? Get your copy of the Cryptoparty handbook and organise your Cryptoparty today!

Debian 7.0 “Wheezy”

May 5th, 2013 No comments

debian_splashDebian 7.0 “Wheezy” has just been released. \o/

After many months of constant development, the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 7.0 (code name Wheezy).

This new version of Debian includes various interesting features such as multiarch support, several specific tools to deploy private clouds, an improved installer, and a complete set of multimedia codecs and front-ends which remove the need for third-party repositories.


April 24th, 2013 No comments

ewznet logo
Das ewz.zurinet Glasfasernetz ist nun bald für die gesamte Stadt verfügbar. Bevor ich den Umstieg vollziehe, wendete ich mich mit ein paar “offenen Fragen” an den Provider.

Mich interessieren zum Glasfasernetz folgende technische Fragen:

Paket Filterung
Können Sie mir bestätigen, dass der Datenfluss durch das Glasfasernetz nicht von den Providern durch ein “packet shaping” beeinträchtigt wird?

Antwort: Wir machen weder filtering noch shaping.

Direkte Anbindung
Können Sie mir bestätigen, dass bei der Glasfaser Anbindung die Datenpakete den direkten Weg nehmen, nicht wie beispielsweise bei UPC Cablecom, bei welchem der Datenfluss den Umweg über einen Proxy in Holland nimmt?

Antwort: Ja

Lawful Interception
Können Sie mir bestätigen, dass der Datenverkehr innerhalb des ewz.zurinet nicht durch eine “lawful interception” Einheit “abgehört” wird?

Antwort: Bei uns nicht.

Ich nehme an, dass die Provider des ewz.zurinet vollständig IPv6 unterstützen. – Ist dies richtig?

Antwort: Ja

Zudem gehe ich davon aus, dass sich die Provider betreffend SMTP Protokoll vollumfänglich an die RFC 5321 halten. Dies ist bei Providern wie Bluewin etc. leider nicht der Fall…

Antwort: Aktuell ist RFC 5321

Quote Fefe:

Übrigens, kurzer Blick ins Ausland: In der Schweiz kriegt man für 90 Franken (ca 75 Euro) pro Monat 100/100 Internet nach Hause. Und das ist ein vergleichsweise kleiner Provider, nicht mit Swisscom oder der Telekom vergleichbar. Da fällt dann 100 MBit aus der Leitung, kein Shaping, keine Trafficdiskussion, mit IPv6 und ohne PPPoE oder ähnliche Ranztechnologien. DAS GEHT ALSO. Und das ist in der Schweiz, wo der Provider für den Aufbau des Netzes selber zahlen. Nicht wie bei uns, wo der Steuerzahler das gezahlt hat.

Treasuring the subject

January 15th, 2013 No comments

Aaron EFFTo treasure the subject and issues that Aaron Swartz was fighting for, I would like to refer and remind to my mail to Richard Stallman, Lawrence Lessig and Cory Doctorow, which I wrote on 21st of January 2012.

Link to former blog post


Embrace the remix

August 15th, 2012 No comments

“We are not self-made. We are dependent on one another. Admitting this to ourselves isn’t an embrace of mediocrity and derivativeness, it’s a liberation from our misconceptions.”
Kirby Ferguson

Nothing is original, says Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything is a Remix. From Bob Dylan to Steve Jobs, he says our most celebrated creators borrow, steal and transform.
Kirby Ferguson explores creativity in a world where “everything is a remix.”

Source: TED

Bahrain: Prohibited Pictures (Arte documentary)

June 19th, 2012 No comments

Zainab (Twitter @zooz__zooz) quote:

The government in Bahrain does not care about the citizens. The leaders only care about their public image towards western countries. […] Why should any government sell weapons to a dictatorship? Obama gives speeches about freedom and democracy. He claims to support the Arab spring and the Arab societies in their fight for freedom and democracy. But then he sells weapons to the dictators. People in Bahrain won’t care about his words when they are being shot by teargas that says “made in Pensilvania” on it.

minute 31:54

See the full Arte documentary “Bahrain: Verbotene Bilder” (in German language):

Film by Stéphanie Lamorré, Arte France 2012

Download German version: mpeg4 / ogg-theora or French version: mpeg4 / ogg-theora


March 7th, 2012 No comments

LulzSec … there is no leader!


March 7th, 2012 No comments

Fuck surveillance! – Fuck Skeip!

Fuck copyright!

March 7th, 2012 1 comment

“Intellectual poperty” … give me a break! – Turn on your brains and start thinking about this faux-pas word for a second.
Everything we were tought, learned and know is fondly based on experience, education and intermediate exchange of information! – We all know, there is no such thing like “divine suggestion”!
So how come, there are still some characters, – especially ego centric artists, film directors and actors, – claiming for copyright? – FUCK IT!

Here’s an exerpt of my latest e-mail:

Dear friends

The last few days, one of the, – to my understanding, – greatest
contemporary film directors is asking me how to block his “copyrighted”,
“intellectual property” in the world wide web, while one of the most
respected and reputable contemporary museum directors, standing for
Ethnology, is asking to provide him hacked serial numbers for
proprietary software.

Let me tell you guys straight: I am a free person, and I will remain
free! – So don’t ever dare to ask me again to support you getting serial
numbers for un-free, proprietary software, nor supporting you to fight
for copyright claims on content that wants to stand free.

The human race has, – unfortunately, – due to selfishness, greediness and capitalism, found ways to nurture a circle of self-deception, instead of leading culture towards freedom.

For the sake of humanity. – Stop bullshitting me in my personal

Kisses! Yours, Alex

P.S. I copied the concerning individuals in blind-carbon-copy, but dared
to cc two of my personal, fondly respected friends, Richard Stallman and
Cory Doctorow, into this e-mail.

… any questions?

We fight / You surf

February 14th, 2012 No comments
