
Posts Tagged ‘lemon tree’


November 26th, 2010 No comments

“The red liquid thrust out of his arteries to interfuse with the pureness of the unwritten.

Meanwhile the knocking lessened slowly and finally extracted into a ray to emit the stellar dust of love.”

Nom de Plume


Categories: Art, Culture, Human Rights Tags: ,

Precautionary principle

November 25th, 2010 No comments

“Escaped out of the marble mold suddenly the rain drops fell like gravel from his eyes. But still. He got a glimpse of the rays that leaked from the lemon fruit.

Whereafter he decided to kill the kid that has never been born.”

Nom de Plume


Categories: Art, Culture, Human Rights Tags: ,

Lemon Tree

November 23rd, 2010 No comments

“The young boy stared into the lemontree where the white sparkling flowers outpoured their tears and turned into yellow fruits filled of angels.

The boy was about to turn into marble when a lovely voice liberated his soul.”

Nom de Plume


Categories: Art, Culture, Human Rights Tags: ,

Gâteau au chocolat

November 3rd, 2010 No comments

400 gr de chocolat
200 gr de beurre
4 à 6 jaunes d’oeuf
6 à 8 blancs d’oeuf
3 cuillères à soupe de farine

Four: 190° / temps de cuisson: 25 à 30 minutes

Faire fondre le chocolat avec le beurre au bain marie à feu doux
Séparer les blancs des jaunes
Mélanger les jaunes avec le sucre et rajouter petit à petit le choc fondu
Mettre la farine
Incorporer les blancs montés en neige en remuant DELICATEMENT
Bien mélanger le tout, beurrer le moule et hop… au four!!