FAB001 outbound LOWW
FAB001 outbound LOWW heading direct GCLP 3rd of July 2013, after having landed in LOWW the day before coming from UUEE UUWW.
Update: FAB001 departed from UUWW, Vnukovo international airport, not Sheremetyevo (UUEE) international airport.
Source: LiveATC
[03JUL2013 0917Z]
FAB001: Control FOXTROTT ALPHA BRAVO 0-0-1 passing 3500 (feet)
LOWW APP: FAB001 hello identified climb flightlevel 100
FAB001: 0-0-1 I understand to FL 3-6-0
LOWW APP: FAB001 negative climb FL100
FAB100: Climb FL100 FAB001
[03JUL2013 0919Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 climb FL240
FAB001: Climb to FL240 FAB001
[03JUL2013 0923Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 cleared direct to OSPEN
FAB001: Direct to OSPEN FAB001
LOWW APP: FAB001 contact Wien Radar 132 decimal 6
FAB001: 3-2 decimal 6 thank you very much, good bye