
Archive for August, 2011

Aus Zeit – Time? Out!

August 30th, 2011 No comments

Zeit LOGO(see english translation below)
… schade! Die Zeit kann man nun auch nicht mehr lesen. Die Desinformation hält nun auch bei dem Blatt Einzug. Der Copy-Paste Journalismus scheint der einzig noch ökonomisch gehbare Weg. Das Gute daran ist, dass man damit auf sein eigenes Denken angewiesen ist, wenn man nicht total verblöden will.

Der Lachnummer-Artikel betreffend Rauswurf von Daniel Domscheit-Berg war ja ganz amüsant wobei die Zeitung ja einfach einen Bericht über Nyan Cat mit einem LOL-Cat Daumenkino zum ausschneiden und selber basteln hätte publizieren können. Dies wäre inhaltsreicher gewesen.

Nun wird in der Berichterstattung über Libyen von “Erfolg” gesprochen und was das Deutsche Volk inhaltlich zu beschäftigen scheint ist ob der Aussenminister Westerwelle noch “tragbar” sei und der Zickenkrieg zwischen Rösler und dem Minister wird auch akribisch von der SPD auseinandergenommen und politisch “verwertert”. – Was für ein Niveau! Und wo bitte ist der globalpolitische “Erfolg”, wenn es nicht ein neo-imperialistischer Erfolg der Erdöl-Firmen ist? Glauben die Zeit-Leser wirklich, dass in diesem Krieg in ihrem Interesse für ihre Werte gekämpft wurde? Geschieht er nicht vielmehr im Auftrag der Lobby der Englischen, Deutschen und Französischen Waffen- und Erdöl Industrie, welche über Schweizer Munitionsfirmen und Banken die Geschäfte für diesen Krieg über Saudiarabien und den Oman ausgeführt wurden?

Gibt es nicht doch vielleicht einen Zusammenhang zu Domininique Strauss-Kahn der mit einer fingierten Aktion aus dem Weg geschafft wurde? (Wie es ja übrigens nach dem genau gleichen Muster mit Julian Assange versucht wurde.) Die Zeit wiederum lässt sich zu Zwecken medialer Diskreditierung in den Interessen mächtiger instrumentalisieren und titelt lediglich “Das Recht siegt, die Justiz hat verloren”. – LULZ! Wer soll so eine verzerrte Darstellung glauben? Die Hintergründe werden wir nun wohl auch über Wikileaks nicht mehr erfahren, da dieser angestiftete Verfeindung von Julian Assange und Daniel Domscheit-Berg die möglichen Quellen solcher Berichterstattung nun auch versiegen lässt…

Für die Zeit, jedenfalls was mich betrifft, ist nun Aus-Zeit!

Good night and good luck!

English translation:
Shame! „Die Zeit“ is being undermined as well. The „enriched“ reality has now taken hold of this piece of paper as well. Copy paste journalism seems be the only economical feasible way of processing information left to us. The fringe benefit of this tool, is that we are dependent on our own thinking, if we do not wish to impoverish our minds completely.

The LOL article regarding the discrediting of Daniel Domscheit-Berg was quite amusing to read, though the paper would better have published a report on Nyan Cat including a LOL-Cat DIY flip-book to cut-out and tinker one-self. This would have been much more phun!

And, where may I ask, is the so called “success” in the Libyan crisis, if it is not a neo imperialistic success of the oil drilling companies? Do the „Die Zeit“ readers really believe that their interests were being fought for? Doesn’t it rather display the lobby of our English (including American), German and French weapon and oil industry, which were utilizing some Swiss ammunition companies and its banks to generate business through this war, being implemented over Saudi Arabia and Oman?

„Die Zeit“ is being misused for purposes of public discrediting, to shift focus of some fraudulent acts taking place along the global chess board. “Righteousness prevails, Justice at loss” . – LULZ! Who believes such a distorted interpretation? The inside details of this case can no longer be found in our « trusty » Wikileaks either, since Julian Assange and Daniel Domscheit instigated misunderstanding has closed-up such leaks of disclosure … For « DIE ZEIT », which concerns my own time, is now time-out!

Good night and good luck!


August 30th, 2011 No comments

for the LULZ =^.^=

Categories: Art, Culture, Technology Tags: ,


August 30th, 2011 No comments

“I like the progressive detriment of your cordiality in your emails.”

by EM

Categories: Culture, Human Rights, Quote Tags:

Eid al-Fitr – عيد الفطر

August 30th, 2011 3 comments

Eid Mubarak! بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Why OS X Lion is crap

August 30th, 2011 No comments

1. Unconsiousness
With the OS X 10.7 software release Apple fulfills and nurtures the users unconscious handling of his computer. The users data, such as photos, documents, etc. are geo- and meta-tagged and the accordant applications connect to the respective servers, such as Google maps, “the Cloud”, several Akamai servers, keeping the user in the dark about how and where his personal data is shared.

2. Self-surveillance
Further the operation system entrap and mislead the user to activities of self-surveillance, by eliminating “Big Brother” and leading the operator through “sexy” and technically well designed applications, which conceal where data and meta-data is shared and stored. The nebulous “Cloud”, easing the users data replication, inducing potential privacy hazards, assuming that the user has “nothing to hide”.

3. Anti-Social
By implementing Social Media applications and functionalities, explicitly based on proprietary standards and formats, caching cookies that track their users continuously, even after having logged out, complete patterns on the users behaviors are tracked, locally stored and shared on obscure servers and nebulous “Clouds”. The friends counter remains a real-time raising number of people whom the user never meets in real life (any more)…

4. Average
Apple Macintosh used to be a product of computers that come together with an operation system that is designed for professionals. Graphic Designers, Film Directors and Musicians. Since OS X 10.7 the system is designed to merge into the needs of a mediocre human to nurture his archaic behavior by caressing a touch-pad with his finger. A built-in baby comforter may follow in upcoming versions…

5. status_msg > /dev/null && userinfo > /apple/survey && echo –bold “WTF!”
By suggesting the user to improve the functionalities of programs, the operation system shares system data which can explicitly identify the computer and the user. Users privacy is deliberately violated.

6. Contemptuous
No ext2, ext3 or ext4 support. Gimme back my control over my data & choice of filesystem!

Conversation of two ChatBots

August 30th, 2011 No comments
Categories: Technology Tags: ,

tweet nagios server status

August 28th, 2011 2 comments

On my Nagios Server I use twitter to send status alerts. It works nicely with Identica & Twitter.

The setup is easy. First install twidge with

root@host:~# apt-get install twidge

Then write a twidgerc file with the according twidge configuration

nagios@host:~# vi /etc/nagios3/twidgerc
oauthaccesstoken: %(serverbase)s/oauth/access_token
oauthauthorize: %(serverbase)s/oauth/authorize
oauthdata: [("user_id","XXXXXX"),("screen_name","YOUR_SCREENNAME"),("oauth_verifier","XXXXXX"),("oauth_token","XXXXXX"),("oauth_token_secret","XXXXXX"),("oauth_callback_confirmed","true")]
oauthrequesttoken: %(serverbase)s/oauth/request_token
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
shortenurls: yes
urlbase: %(serverbase)s/1

Make sure the file is readable by Nagios user. (!)

nagios@host:~# chown nagios /etc/nagios/twidgerc

Then add the following lines to /etc/nagios3/conf.d/contacts_nagios2.cfg (on GNU/Linux Debian).

define contact{
contact_name twitter
alias Twitter
service_notification_period 24x7
host_notification_period 24x7
service_notification_options w,u,c,r
host_notification_options d,r
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-twitter
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-twitter
email twitteraccount_to_contact

… and add “twitter” to the members in the contactgroup (in the same file).

members root,nagiosadmin,twitter

Then add these lines to etc/nagios3/commands.cfg:

define command {
command_name notify-service-by-twitter
command_line echo "#Nagios $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ $HOSTNAME$($SERVICEDESC$) is $SERVICESTATE$" | twidge -c /etc/nagios3/twidgerc update
define command {
command_name notify-host-by-twitter
command_line echo "#Nagios $HOSTSTATE$ alert for $HOSTNAME$" | twidge -c /etc/nagios3/twidgerc dmsend $CONTACTEMAIL$

Nagios will tweet the service notifications and send a directmessage to the according user with the host notification.
Here’s an example:

=^.^= Lx

لیلة القدر‎ – Laylat al-Qadr

August 26th, 2011 No comments

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ ٱلْقَدْرِ
وَمَآ أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ ٱلْقَدْرِ
لَيْلَةُ ٱلْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ
تَنَزَّلُ ٱلْمَلاَئِكَةُ وَٱلرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ
سَلاَمٌ هِيَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ ٱلْفَجْرِ

“We have indeed revealed this (message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down the Angels and the Spirit (Jibraeel) by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace! This until the rise of Morn!” (Surah 97)

اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ كَرِيمٌ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّى

“O Allah, You are forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me.” [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 191]

Belief in angels is the second pillar of faith in Islam and on the shahadah (declaration of faith in Islam). Not only do Muslims believe in Gabriel, but the Muslims believe in all angels sent from Allah.

According to the Quran, “The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. All believe in Allah, His Angels and His Messengers.” (Sura Baqarah, verse 285)

Angels are made from light, where the jinn were created from a smokeless fire. To believe and love the Angels is part of the Islamic faith. It’s said that Angel Gabriel was the angel who gave the verses of the Quran to Prophet Mohammad, so he is much-loved by all Muslims.

On this topic, the Quran says, “Say: Who is an enemy to Jibreel (Gabriel)? For it is he who brought it (this Quran) down to your hearts, by Allah’s permission, confirming that which was before it, and as a guidance and a mercy to the believers. Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and to His Angels, and to His Messengers, and (in particular to) Jibreel and Mika’el (Michael), then let him know that Allah is an enemy to the disbeliever.” (Sura Al Baqarah, verses 97-98)

“Yes we can”? – WFT! – No he can’t!

August 26th, 2011 No comments

The current president of the U.S. was dazzling his “fellow citizens” during his election campaign in 2008 with promises about change, making the citizens believe “they can”. Turns out that the holder of the nobel peace prize, which he got just for raising hope and not for his actions, is another hypocrite acting as warlord in the interest of neo-imperial terrorism, causing exploitation, indoctrination without respect to human laws and international agreements. – Just not keeping his promises.

Guantanamo Bay is still not closed, the war in Iraq has not ended, international corporations not held responsible for their financial and ecological disasters, but protected by the administration, the U.S. still have not accepted and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, Osama Bin Laden a hoax, etc. Now he’s the one to invoke the “Patriot Act” (ref.), – what a silly name for a law btw, – against Wikileaks to ensure his misgovernment remains intransparent. Total LULZ! Didn’t he promise he’ll dump this Act once he’s President?

Whether the United States are directed by a Democrat or a Republican, the jankies remain a horde of imperialists, culture destroyers and terrorists. In two weeks these creatures are going to celebrate their 10 years self-deception at “Ground Zero” and zero ground is the average intellectual level this country is being governed upon…


Copy me: Technological change and the consumption of music

August 26th, 2011 No comments

… worth reading:

Copy me: Technological change and the consumption of music

CC-by-sa 3.0 2009 by Nick White

For those who worry about the cultural, economic and political power of the global media companies, the dreamed-of revolution is at hand. The industry may right now be making a joyful noise unto the Lord, but it is we, not they, who are about to enter the promised land. (Moglen 2001)


Technological changes have political implications. Changing the way we interact with things encourages a reconsideration of the rules and institutions that have governed previous interactions with them.

The current debate about copies of recorded music using the Internet is an excellent example of this, and by examining it one may better understand the relations between people and recorded music, and between listeners and the traditional publishers of music.

While undoubtedly a great deal may be usefully said and examined in other technological changes in music recordings, I will here focus primarily on filesharing, as it is something I have been somewhat involved in myself, and hence I have significantly more knowledge ‘from the inside.’

I will begin by discussing traditional definitions of ‘commodity,’ and then move on to a very brief overview of historical trends in copying and music recording. I will also touch upon the printing press in order to discuss the creation and rationale behind copyright laws, which form a major part the present filesharing debate. I will then go into greater depth into the current practises of people who share music on filesharing networks, and the response by the recording industry, before embarking on an analysis of the meaning and significance of some of these new practises and dialogues.

It should be noted that I’m speaking primarily of England and the United States of America, and the situation will be somewhat different in other parts of the world.


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