
Author Archive

The Origin of the World

February 8th, 2013 1 comment

Gustave Courbet “The Desperate Man” 1843-1845

Gustave Courbet “The Origin of the World” 1866

Categories: Art, Culture Tags: ,

Nuclear Explosion

January 31st, 2013 2 comments

Categories: Science, Technology Tags:

“Got clearance, Clarence”

January 30th, 2013 No comments

Listen to this radio conversation between Pilot Clarence, Co-Pilot Roger, Navigator Victor and the ATC station.
Source: Airplane! (1980)

ATC: “209 You are cleared for take off”
Clarence: “Roger”
Roger: “Huh?”
ATC: “L.A. departure frequency 123.9”
Clarence: “Roger”
Roger: “Huh?”
Victor: “Request Vector, over”
Clarence: “What?”
ATC: “Flight 209 cleared for vector 324”
Roger: “We have clearance, Clarence”
Clarence: “Roger, Roger. What is our vector, Victor?”
Victor: “LA radio clearance, over”
Clarence: “That’s Clarence Oveur. Over”
Victor: “Roger”
Roger: “Huh?”
ATC: “Roger, over”
Roger: “What? – Huh? – Who?”


January 20th, 2013 No comments

Exposed by Alex Jones

wide holding pattern

January 15th, 2013 No comments

LX289 arriving from FAJS obviously was to early to land on rwy 34 in LSZH and was sent into an exceptionally wide holding pattern.

LX289 large hodling pattern

Categories: Aviation Tags: , , , , , ,

Treasuring the subject

January 15th, 2013 No comments

Aaron EFFTo treasure the subject and issues that Aaron Swartz was fighting for, I would like to refer and remind to my mail to Richard Stallman, Lawrence Lessig and Cory Doctorow, which I wrote on 21st of January 2012.

Link to former blog post


Aaron Swartz

January 13th, 2013 No comments

awk’ing lat/lon

January 10th, 2013 No comments

Here’s how one can convert latitude/longitude values from degrees to decimal format using GNU awk.

# description: convert dec values to lat/lon
# license: GPL 3.0
# input: "N010.00.21.698 E094.24.35.999"
# output: "10.006027 94.41

awk '{
split (lat, latitude, ".");
if (latpre == "S"){

split (lon, longitude, ".");
if (lonpre == "W"){

printf "%.7f %.7f\n", latdec, londec;

echo "N010.00.21.698 E094.24.35.999" | ./
10,0060272 94,4099997

LSZH go-arounds

December 28th, 2012 No comments

… the 27th of December was quite a windy day for LSZH approach. – Especially for the poor Phenom and Falcon 2000 the landing must have been quite shakey!1!!

METAR 27DEC2012:
LSZH 271650Z 21016KT 170V240 9999 -RA FEW015 BKN030 08/05 Q1009 TEMPO 26022G40KT RA
LSZH 271720Z 24024G40KT 7000 RA FEW015 FEW025TCU BKN030 08/05 Q1011 TEMPO TS
LSZH 271750Z 25017G29KT 9999 RA FEW015 SCT020 BKN040 06/03 Q1012 BECMG N

27DEC2012 1718Z BER338J go around
27DEC2012 1736Z SWR125M go around
Change of landing runway from 14 to 28 due to windsheer & gusts
27DEC2012 1740Z IBE34KV go around
27DEC2012 1746Z PJS702 exceptional holding
27DEC2012 1748Z VPBBP holding over AMIKI
27DEC2012 1832Z SWR325M go around
27DEC2012 1836Z SWR151E go around
27DEC2012 1938Z BER890J go around
27DEC2012 2040Z SWR5081 exceptional holding KLO VOR-DME

Recording 27th December 2012 starting at 1700Z:

Transcript [27DEC2012]
[1701Z] - BAW718 after final rwy 14, vacating rwy. BER338J go-around.
LSZH TWR: Speedbird 718 contact Apron 121 decimal 85
BAW718: 121.85 Speedbird 718. - Be advised we had windsheer when reaching 1800ft, - would you?
LSZH TWR: Windsheers at 1800ft QNH?
BAW718: Att 1800ft after passing 1200ft
LSZH TWR: Thank you. Break. Break. Wind 220 degrees 20kt 48Y cleared to land 14.
48Y: Cleared to land 14. 48Y thank you.
JAL330: JAT330 final 14.
LSZH TWR: Tower good evening, continue approach. We have a windsheer report 1800ft QNH speed loss.
JAT330: Thank you.
JAT330: Cleared to land rwy 14. Just confirm, ya?
LSZH TWR: Not yet. Just continue approach preceeding is mid runway.
JAT330: Ok, thanks.
BER338J: Tower good day Air Berlin 338J on the ILS 14
LSZH TWR: JAT330 cleared to land rwy 14 wind 220 20kt
JAT330: Cleared to land 14. JAT330
LSZH TWR: Air Berlin 338 JULIET Tower grüezi, continue approach. Wind check 220 degrees 20kt we have a windsheer warning 1800ft QNH speed loss.
BER338J: AirBerlin 338 JULIET going around 14. Standard
LSZH TWR: BER338J continue missed approach
BER338J: Wilco
LSZH TWR: BER338J contact arrival 131.15
BER338J: 131.15 there was a windsheer warning. - Thank you
LSZH TWR: Thank you.

[1718Z] SWR125M go-around
SWR125M: Swiss 125M in a go-around.
SWR125M: And Swiss 125M is reaching 5000ft
LSZH TWR: Swiss 125M roger, contact Arrival 131.15
SWR125M: 131.15 SWR125M

[1718Z] IBE34KV go-around
IBE34KV: Zurich Tower. Good afternoon Iberia 34 KILO VICTOR runway 14
LSZH TWR: IBE34KV LSQH TWR good evening. Wind 270 degrees 20kt, runway 14 cleared to land.
IBE34KV: Cleared to land IBE34KV
IBE34KV: Tower for your information we are performing a ???
LSZH TWR: IBE34KV standard missed approach
IBE34KV: Standard missed approach IBE34KV
LSZH TWR: Iberia 34 VIC... correction 34KILO VICTOR contact Arrival 131.15
IBE34KV: 31.15 IBE34KV

[1722Z] Departure cancellation SWR032U
SWR032U: SWR032U listen we can accept 15kt crosswind maximum.
LSZH TWR: Yeah it's 26kt from 260 degrees and it doesn't look like its gonna get better within the next minutes. - Would you like runway 28 for departure?
SWR032U: We're too heavy for 28 that's the problem. SWR032U
LSZH TWR: And SWR33U how about 32? - From the wind, well with the wind of 260 degrees at 27?
SWR032U: Ahh, negative. - 32 UNIFORM
SWISS032U: SWR032U we have a new calculation and we are able 28 right now
LSZH TWR: SWR032U taxi down the runway and I call for the left turn to exit
CALLSIGN: Ok, let's copy taxiing down the long runway 16 and standing by for a left turnout SWR032U
LSZH TWR: SWR032U vacate ECHO 3. You're ready copy new plan?
SWR032U: Vacate ECHO 3 and standby for the clearance SWR032U
LSZH TWR: SWR032U Report when you're ready to copy
SWR032U: Will call when ready to copy SWR032U
LSZH TWR: SWR032U ready to copy clearance for 28?
SWR032U: 5 seconds standby shortly SWR032U
SWR032U: SWR032U ready to copy
LSZH TWR: SWR032U recleared runway 28 VEBIT 3 WHISKEY departure
SWR032U: Runway 28 VEBIT 3 whiskey departure SWR032U
LSZH TWR: SWR032U right on ECHO 121.85 bis nachher
CALLSIGN: Right E, 121.85 jawohl bis gleich SWR032U

[1733Z] SWR125M second approach
]SWR125M: SWR125M on ILS 28
LSZH TWR: SWR125M your number one for 28. Wind check 270 degrees 40kt.
SWR125M: Say again the wind for the Swiss 125 MIKE
LSZH TWR: The wind for landing 28 270 degrees 38
SWR125M: OK. That's copied.
LSZH TWR: SWR125M current winds 270 degrees 37kt runway 28 cleared to land, runway 16 is available for taxi
SWR125M: Cleared to land SWR125M

Neo-Robin Hood-ism

December 27th, 2012 No comments

Der amerikanische Keynote speaker am 29C3 ruft zum allgemeinen Widerstand gegen den Überwachungsstaat auf. – Und das 28 Jahre nach 1984.

… Not my department!