
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

“Yes we can”? – WFT! – No he can’t!

August 26th, 2011 No comments

The current president of the U.S. was dazzling his “fellow citizens” during his election campaign in 2008 with promises about change, making the citizens believe “they can”. Turns out that the holder of the nobel peace prize, which he got just for raising hope and not for his actions, is another hypocrite acting as warlord in the interest of neo-imperial terrorism, causing exploitation, indoctrination without respect to human laws and international agreements. – Just not keeping his promises.

Guantanamo Bay is still not closed, the war in Iraq has not ended, international corporations not held responsible for their financial and ecological disasters, but protected by the administration, the U.S. still have not accepted and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, Osama Bin Laden a hoax, etc. Now he’s the one to invoke the “Patriot Act” (ref.), – what a silly name for a law btw, – against Wikileaks to ensure his misgovernment remains intransparent. Total LULZ! Didn’t he promise he’ll dump this Act once he’s President?

Whether the United States are directed by a Democrat or a Republican, the jankies remain a horde of imperialists, culture destroyers and terrorists. In two weeks these creatures are going to celebrate their 10 years self-deception at “Ground Zero” and zero ground is the average intellectual level this country is being governed upon…


Africana Critical Theory

August 22nd, 2011 No comments

Rabaka_2009_Africana Critical Theory – Reconstructing the Black Radical Tradition, from W. E. B. Du Bois and C. L. R. James to Frantz Fanon and Amilcar Cabral

Rabaka, R. (2009). Africana Critical Theory – Reconstructing the Black Radical Tradition, from W. E. B. Du Bois and C. L. R. James to Frantz Fanon and Amilcar Cabral. New York.

Why Net Censorship in Times of Political Unrest Results in More Violent Uprisings

August 19th, 2011 No comments

A Social Simulation Experiment on the UK Riots

Following the 2011 wave of political unrest, going from the Arab Spring to UK riots, the formation of a large consensus around Internet censorship is underway. Beyond all political consideration of consequences in terms of freedom of expression, the present paper adopts a social simulation approach to show that the decision to “regulate” or restrict social media in situations of civil unrest results in higher levels of violence. Building on Epstein’s (2002) agent based model, several alternative scenarios are generated. Systemic optimum, represented by complete absence of censorship, not only corresponds to lower levels of violence over time, but allows for significant cant periods of social peace after each outburst.

Antonio A. Casilli
Telecom ParisTech

Paola Tubaro
University of Greenwich

August 14, 2011

Download study

[Update 20th August 2011]
Article by Slavoj Žižek on the meaning of the riots

“An African Election”

August 9th, 2011 No comments

A couple of days ago I’ve seen “An African Election“, a documentary movie of the 2008 Presidentual elections in Ghana by Jarreth Merz. The film offers an unusually deep insight into political processes in central Africa and fondly reminded me of “Heart of Darkness“.

I warmly recommend to watch Jarreth’s impressive Film.


August 3rd, 2011 No comments

Anticensorship in the Network Infrastructure: Watch out for Telex.


Telex is a new approach to circumventing Internet censorship that is intended to help citizens of repressive governments freely access online services and information. The main idea behind Telex is to place anticensorship technology into the Internet’s core network infrastructure, through cooperation from large ISPs. Telex is markedly different from past anticensorship systems, making it easy to distribute and very difficult to detect and block.

What makes Telex different from previous approaches:

  • Telex operates in the network infrastructure — at any ISP between the censor’s network and non-blocked portions of the Internet — rather than at network end points. This approach, which we call “end-to-middle” proxying, can make the system robust against countermeasures (such as blocking) by the censor.
  • Telex focuses on avoiding detection by the censor. That is, it allows a user to circumvent a censor without alerting the censor to the act of circumvention. It complements services like Tor (which focus on hiding with whom the user is attempting to communicate instead of that that the user is attempting to have an anonymous conversation) rather than replacing them.
  • Telex employs a form of deep-packet inspection — a technology sometimes used to censor communication — and repurposes it to circumvent censorship.
  • Other systems require distributing secrets, such as encryption keys or IP addresses, to individual users. If the censor discovers these secrets, it can block the system. With Telex, there are no secrets that need to be communicated to users in advance, only the publicly available client software.
  • Telex can provide a state-level response to state-level censorship. We envision that friendly countries would create incentives for ISPs to deploy Telex.

Dilettantism – Dilettantismus

July 24th, 2011 No comments

It drives me insane when people argue their unscrupulousity and ignorance by not wanting to believe in negativity and the bad, instead of reflecting about facts and coherence! – الله أكبر

Es macht mich krank, wenn Menschen ihre Unreflektiert- und Unwissenheit damit argumentieren nicht an das Schlechte und Negative glauben zu wollen, anstatt über Fakten und Zusammenhänge nachzudenken! – الله أكبر

Protests against the President in Malawi

July 20th, 2011 No comments

Burning cars and manifestations in Blantyre, Malawi.

Today Malawians in Blantyre started rioting against the current President, Bingu wa Mutharika.

To read more, please visit my Malawi Blog or BBC News.

Osama Bin Laden dead – O RLY?

May 2nd, 2011 2 comments

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The only way the current President of America could preserve his credibility was to come up with an old myth, the one of Osama Bin Laden, allegedly being killed by U.S. Soldiers last night. – O RLY?

The world is ruled by disinformation, while the U.S. remains a country that does not respect international human rights and is off-board of the Kioto protocol. Guantanamo has never been closed and whether the ex- nor the current president have been called to account for mass murder in several muslim countries. While economically the united states belong to their shareholders, China and the GCC and therefore are inofficially bankrupt.

Now the death of one sock puppet should restore the credibility of the biggest Neo-Imperialist, that does not cease rearing the brood of hatred. – WTF!

[Update 2rd of May 2011]
… no photos of dead Bin Laden. – LOL! Disinformative news reporting that his body has been buried at sea. – Give me a break!

[Update 2rd of May 2011]
Helmut Schmidt: “The killing of Osama bin Laden by the U.S. infringes public international law.” (Reference: ARD)

[Update 3rd of May 2011]
Comment by a friend: “Nachdem ja gestern der Theaterdirektor von Amerika seinen besten Schauspieler getötet hat sind wir nun auf die neuen Akteure gespannt.”
“Whereafter the theater director of america has killed one of its best comedians, we’re curious who the new actors will be.”

[Update 3rd of May 2011]
Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was unarmed … [no comment]

[Update 4th of May 2011]
WSJ: Bank Of Mexico Buys 100 Tons Of Gold In February, March

[Update 5th of May 2011]
Total LULZ Situation Room – Can I haz wargamez?

[Update 5th of May 2011]

The Paranoid Style in American Politics” 1964 by Richard Hofstadter

PDF download

[Update 8th of May 2011]
BBC report: “This is not Osama Bin Laden”

European Coffee

March 31st, 2011 No comments

Categories: Culture, European Union, Politics Tags:


March 31st, 2011 No comments

Categories: Politics, Science, Technology Tags: