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zero flap landing of SXS77U at LSZH

July 5th, 2013 No comments

SXS77U LSZH 0-flap 05JUL2013SXS77U (Boeing 737) from Antalya (LTAI) seemingly had some troubles with the altimeter and therefore decided to do a “zero flap” landing, with about 191 knodts (354 km/h) on final in LSZH.
Listen to the ATC recording from Zurich EAST approach (LSZH APP) over Zurich WEST approach (LSZH APP) until Zurich Tower (LSZH TWR).

Source: LiveATC

LSZH Approach EAST Frequency 131.150
LSZH APP: SXS77U arrival good afternoon descend to FL110 expect ILS rwy 14 no delay

LSZH APP: SXS77U fly heading 250 for radar vectors into left hand downwind
SXS77U: (unreadable)
LSZH APP: roger descend to FL80
SXS77U: descend FL80 SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS77U reduce speed 230 knodts about 35 miles from touchdown
SXS77U: reduce speed 230 knodts SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS77U turn right heading 300 descend to 6000ft QNH 1027
SXS77U: (unreadable) 300 SXS77U
LSZH APP: SXS77U correct speed 210 knodts

LSZH APP: SXS77U turn left heading 260 descend to 5000ft
SXS77U: left heading 260 descending 5000 SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS77U speed 180kt turn left heading 230
SXS77U: (unreadable)

LSZH APP: SXS77U turn left heading 170 descend to 4000ft cleared ILS approach rwy 14 report established
SXS77U: (unreadable)

LSZH APP: go ahead
SXS77U: we have a ?? radar vectors for holding point
LSZH APP: SXS77U roger then climb again to 6000ft and continue on turn right heading 220
SXS77U: right 220 climb to 6000ft SXS77U
LSZH APP: SXS77U roger and can you say again the nature of the problem
SXS77U: (unreadable)
LSZH APP: I understand altimeter problem?
SXS77U: altimeter problem SXS77U
LSZH APP: SXS77U roger expect vectors to GIPOL holding turn right heading 250
SXS77U: expect GIPOL holding (unreadable)

SXS77U: SXS77U would you please confirm the point again?
LSZH APP: it said GIPOL holding
SXS77U: confirm the point GOLF INDIA PAPA OSCAR LIMA
LSZH APP: GOLF INDIA PAPA OSCAR LIMA that is correct, the current position about 1-0 miles on heading 240
SXS77U: 10 miles thanks
LSZH APP: SXS77U contact now Zurich arrival on 118 decimal 0 he is informed about the nature of your problem
SXS77U: 118 decimal 3 thanks SXS77U
LSZH APP: 1-1-8-0
SXS77U: 118.0 SXS77U

LSZH Approach WEST Frequency 118.0
SXS77U: Arrival SXS77U
LSZH APP: SXS77U to the arrival hello climb to FL70

LSZH APP: SXS77U proceed GIPOL and hold be advised longest available runway in Zurich is rwy 16 ILS approach
SXS77U: Thank you very much for the information and hold over GIPOL SXS77U

SXS77U: SXS77U may we climb up to FL80 or 90
LSZH APP: SXS77U climb to FL90 join the holding keep me advised
SXS77U: climb FL90 join the holding and keep you informed SXS77U

SXS77U: Arrival SXS77U we are finished with the checklist and request radar vectoring for ILS rwy 16
LSZH APP: SXS77U roger expect radar vectoring rwy 16 we’ll give you a long lineup and confirm the status of your aircraft
SXS77U: we will make a landing with all flaps up landing SXS77U
LSZH APP: ok, this case 0 flap landing SXS77U fire brigade will be on standby then on the runway be advised surface winds 070 degrees 7kt I call call you back for the radar vectors in about two minutes
SXS77U: yes Sir, we will stay on the runway after landing and wait for radar vector SXS77U
LSZH APP: roger, you will stay on the runway, copy that SXS770 will you be later on able to taxi away or do you need a tow?
SXS77U: we need a tow, Sir SXS77U most probably the speed break will be very hot
LSZH APP: roger fire brigade will be on standby next to your aircraft after the landing to cool your breaks and we will organise as well a tow to tow you then when everything is safe back to the stand
SXS77U: thank you very much SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS77U turn right heading 040 radar vectoring ILS approach rwy 16
SXS77U: right heading 040 degrees radar vectors for ILS rwy 16 SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS77U you have 37 miles to touchdown descend to FL70 no speed restrictions during the entire approach
SXS77U: descending FL70 no speed restriction thank you very much SXS77U
LSZH APP: you are welcome, you will be number one for ILS rwy 16
SXS77U: thank you

LSZH APP: SXS77U for your information fire brigade is ready on rwy 16
SXS77U: thank you, Sir SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS77U turn right heading 060 descend 6000ft QNH 1027
SXS77U: right heading 060 degrees descending to 6000ft QNH 1027 SXS77U
LSZH APP: roger will be a lineup about 15 miles is that ok for you?
SXS77U affirm, Sir it’s ok SXS77U

LSZH APP: go ahead
OSZ: ah we are here descending 130 approaching ZULU HOTEL 625
LSZH APP: and you are a Citation XL and which ATIS do you have?
LSZH APP: roger please check CHARLIE
OSZ: wildo

LSZH APP: SXS77U descend to 5000ft
SXS77U: descending 5000ft SXS77U

LSZH APP: SXS770 please report souls on board and any dangerous goods
SXS77U: no dangerous goods sir and just standby for souls
LSZH APP: roger
SXS77U: we have 174 souls on board SXS77U
LSZH APP: 1-7-4 souls on board turn right heading 130 intercept localiser rwy 16
SXS77U: right heading 130 degrees intercept localiser rwy 16 SXS770

LSZH APP: SXS770 descend to 4000ft cleared for the ILS approach rwy 16 report established
SXS77U: descending 4000ft cleared for the ILS approach rwy 16 will call you when establishing SXS770

LSZH APP: SXS770 are you established?
SXS77U: affirm, Sir established SXS770
LSZH APP: roger contact tower 118 decimal 1 good bye
SXS77U: 118.1 thank you very much Sir SXS770

LSZH Tower Frequency 118.1
SWR107E: go ahead
LSZH TWR: There will be a slight delay for you a landing traffic on a crossing rwy is approaching 4 miles with a 0-flap landing on a very high approach speed
SWR107E: is copied SWR107E
LSZH TWR: (unreadable) in case you do abort the takeoff
SWR107E: is blocked SWR107E

SXS77U: SXS770 ILS rwy 16
LSZH TWR: hello SXS770 wind 060 degrees 5 kt rwy 16 you are cleared to land
SXS77U: cleared to land rwy 16 SXS770
LSZH TWR: and the equipment is waiting at the runway
SXS77U: excellent, thank you SXS770

LSZH TWR: Swiss 564 flight delayed due to traffic landing on the crossing runway which requires a rwy check after landing
SWR564: copied 564
LSZH TWR: wind check 070 degrees knodts for rwy 16

LSZH TWR: and Tower SXS770 hold position the fire brigade is coming out
SXS77U: holding position SXS770
LSZH TWR: do you have hot breaks do you need any break cooling?
SXS77U: affirm we need SXS770
LSZH TWR: you need break cooling do confirm
SXS77U: affirm SXS770

SXS77U: go ahead SXS770
LSZH TWR: the fire brigade wants you to shut down your engines please
SXS77U: (unreadable)
LSZH TWR: say again, please
SXS77U: we need one minute SXS770
LSZH TWR: ok, that is checked

SXS77U: Tower SXS770
SXS77U: would you please give us the frequency for the fire brigade?
LSZH TWR: the problem is they only speak german
SXS77U: hehe excellent thank you
LSZH TWR: ahm very excellent (…) can I tell them what you like?
SXS77U: actually I wanted to coordinate the operation but anyways they know what to do thank you very much

SXS77U: Go ahead SXS770
LSZH TWR: What would be the indication of your break temperature?
SXS77U: we don’t have an indication SXS770

SXS77U: Go ahead SXS770
LSZH TWR: you don’t speak german by chance or got a co-pilot who speaks german
SXS77U: unfortunately (..) we only speak english, Sir

LSZH TWR: and SXS770 for your information cooling f?? and air cooling
SXS77U: thank you that is copied, Sir SXS770

SXS77U: Go ahead SXS770
LSZH TWR: please switch to GND 121.9
SXS77U: 121.9 SXS770 thank you

(unfortunately GND is not covered by Live ATC recordings)


Categories: Aviation Tags: , , ,

Dependence Day – 4th of July

July 4th, 2013 No comments


FAB001 outbound LOWW

July 3rd, 2013 No comments

FAB001 outbound LOWW heading direct GCLP 3rd of July 2013, after having landed in LOWW the day before coming from UUEE UUWW.

Update: FAB001 departed from UUWW, Vnukovo international airport, not Sheremetyevo (UUEE) international airport.

Source: LiveATC

[03JUL2013 0917Z]
FAB001: Control FOXTROTT ALPHA BRAVO 0-0-1 passing 3500 (feet)
LOWW APP: FAB001 hello identified climb flightlevel 100
FAB001: 0-0-1 I understand to FL 3-6-0
LOWW APP: FAB001 negative climb FL100
FAB100: Climb FL100 FAB001

[03JUL2013 0919Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 climb FL240
FAB001: Climb to FL240 FAB001

[03JUL2013 0923Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 cleared direct to OSPEN
FAB001: Direct to OSPEN FAB001

LOWW APP: FAB001 contact Wien Radar 132 decimal 6
FAB001: 3-2 decimal 6 thank you very much, good bye


Paradigm shift in international criminal prosecution

July 3rd, 2013 No comments

We needn’t discuss the fact that the United States represents the top delinquent against international law and human rights from their foundation until today. They have proven their pole position and rank of global criminal warlord repeatedly and sustainably…

The U.S. administration has yet understood that their strategies regarding criminal prosecution has its legal limitations when it comes to international law and, – therefore, – are introducing a orchestrated situation, confronting the global sovereign states with the dictation of their political agenda, where international criminal prosecution and law now is at stake. The unlawful head-hunt of Osama Bin Laden and his fellows brought them to a momentum where a paradigm shift is needed to continue prosecuting their “enemies” on an international level. Therefore they release a made-up “worst case” scenario with a puppet named Snowden to introduce a paradigm shift in international criminal prosecution.

The criminals used to be those who spied on their citizen, where after nowadays those are declared criminals who protect themselves from being spied on…

As long as the last 4 presidents of the United States are not being impeached for crimes on humankind in an international human rights court, the international laws on criminal prosecution can be declared obsolete!

… moar

FAB001 inbound LOWW

July 3rd, 2013 8 comments

Here is the ATC audio transcript of LOWW APP talking to the Pilot of FAB001, the Bolivian Presidential Plane (Falcon 900EX) of Evo Morales, landing in LOWW (Vienna, Austria) on 2nd July 2013 around 1920Z (UTC), 21:20 CET (local time).

Update: FAB001 departed from UUWW, Vnukovo international airport, not Sheremetyevo (UUEE) international airport.

Source: LiveATC

[02JUL2013 1923Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 Good evening information WISKEY expect ILS runway 16
FAB001: Information WHISKEY ILS rwy 16 FAB001
LOWW APP: Do you need any assistance?

LOWW APP: FAB001 do you need any assistance upon landing?
FAB001: ah not at this moment we need to land because ah we are not… we can not get a correct indication of the fuel indication so as ah a precaution we need to land
LOWW APP: FAB001 roger continue on present heading expect radar vectors for the approach descend flightlevel 90 (similar to “LOWW BALAD 5L transition”)
FAB001: Present heading FL090

[02JUL2013 1925Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 your distance from touchdown is around 60 miles
FAB001: Roger FAB001

[02JUL2013 1927Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 rate of descent 2500 feet per minute or greater
FAB001: climb to 2500ft 001
LOWW APP: Negative. Rate of descent 2500 feet per minute or greater you are cleared FL90
FAB001: 2500 ft/min descent or greater FAB001
[02JUL2013 1929Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 turn left heading 020
FAB001: say again the heading please
LOWW APP: Turn left heading 020

LOWW APP: FAB001 turn left heading 020
FAB001: 020 FAB001

[02JUL2013 1930Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 descend 4000ft QNH 1016
FAB001: 1016 down to 4000ft FAB001

[02JUL2013 1931Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 turn left heading 340
FAB001: 340 left FAB001
[02JUL2013 1933Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 own rate of descent your distance from touchdown is 20 miles
FAB001: 20 miles FAB001

[02JUL2013 1934Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 turn left headin 250
FAB001: left 250 FAB001

LOWW APP: FAB001 descend 3000ft
FAB001: To 3000 FAB001

[02JUL2013 1935Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 left heading 190 cleared ILS 16
FAB001: 190 left cleared to the ILS 16

[02JUL2013 1937Z]
LOWW APP: FAB001 contact tower 123 decimal 8 bye bye
FAB001: 1-2-3-8 thank you, bye bye


moar Cryptoparties!1!!

July 2nd, 2013 No comments

Worried about surveillance and control? Still living in 1984? Get your copy of the Cryptoparty handbook and organise your Cryptoparty today!

Alternativen zu “grossen Staunen” und anderen “Verhaltensstörungen”

July 2nd, 2013 No comments

Fefe sagt worum es wirklich geht:

Ich möchte mal eine Sache explizit ansprechen, die gerade ein bisschen untergeht. Wir als Hacker-Community leben ja seit vielen Jahren mit der praktischen Gewissheit, dass die Dienste das Internet so gut wie komplett abschnorcheln. Wir wissen einfach, was geht, und es braucht ja keinen Raketentechniker für den Gedankengang, dass wenn es möglich ist, es auch einige Geheimdienste machen werden. Teuer spielt keine Rolle, das wissen wir spätestens aus dem Kalten Krieg (die Geschichte von solchen Spezialubooten kursierte jahrelang, bevor sie es zur New York Times und in die Wikipedia schaffte). Wenn man sich jetzt das bekannt gewordene Ausmaß des Abschnorchelns anguckt, ist niemand wirklich überrascht aus der Technik-Community, wir haben darüber seit vielen Jahren auf den CCC-Kongressen geredet. Aber, und das ist, was ich jetzt mal sagen möchte: Wir haben gegengesteuert. Nein, wir haben nicht verhindern können, dass die Dienste alles tun, um unsere Daten zu klauen. Aber wir haben freie Software geschaffen. Und ich meine jetzt nicht nur PGP und TrueCrypt. Wir als Community haben auch FreeBSD und Linux geschaffen, wir haben Firefox als Open Source Browser, wir haben Jabber-Clients noch und nöcher, wir haben OpenSSL und co. Jede einzelne dieser Technologien hat Schwächen, keine Frage. Aber stellt euch mal vor, das gäbe es alles nicht!

Hier gehen gerade verzweifelte Mails ein, ob sich der Einsatz von PGP denn überhaupt lohne, wenn man davon ausgehen müsse, dass das Windows darunter Hintertüren hat. DAS IST GENAU DER PUNKT. Es gibt Alternativen. Das hat viel Schweiß und Mühe gekostet, die soweit zu bringen, dass man mit ihnen arbeiten kann. Muss man sich dabei etwas zurücknehmen gegenüber polierten kommerziellen Systemen? Kommt drauf an. Ich als Softwareentwickler empfinde eher Arbeiten unter Windows als zurücknehmen. Grafikdesigner werden das möglicherweise anders erleben.

Aber dass wir überhaupt eine Infrastruktur haben, in der die Dienste sich gezwungen sehen, bei Google und Microsoft die entschlüsselten Daten abzugreifen, weil wir internetweit Verschlüsselung ausgerollt haben, das ist ein großer Sieg. Klar ist das alles immer noch nicht befriedigend. Schöner wäre es, wenn das Internet eine Blümchenwiese wäre. Aber wir haben es geschafft, dass man, wenn man will, gänzlich ohne Software-Hintertüren arbeiten kann. Wie weit man dabei gehen will, hängt natürlich von jedem einzelnen ab. Aber zur Not kann man heutzutage auch sein BIOS als Open Source haben.

Natürlich können auch in Linux und OpenBIOS theoretisch Hintertüren sein. Das liegt an jedem von euch, sich da genug einzulesen, um seinen Teil mitzuhelfen, die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür zu senken. Muss man dann natürlich auch tun. Die Software kann man zwar kostenlos runterladen, aber man zahlt dann eben auf andere Art. Indem man sich einbringt.

Kurz gesagt: Dass wir überhaupt ein Gegenmodell zu “alle setzen walled garden backdoored NSA-technologie ein” haben, das ist ein immenser Sieg, der in den 80er Jahren, als diese ganzen Geschichten hochblubberten, wie ein feuchter Fiebertraum wirkte. Wir haben immens viel geschafft. Es liegt an uns, das konsequent einzusetzen und konsequent weiterzuentwickeln. Und es ist eure verdammte Pflicht, nachfolgenden Generationen dieses Stückchen Hoffnung zu erhalten. Helft mit!

Update: Um das mal ganz klar zu sagen: Linux einsetzen und Verschlüsseln ist keine Lösung für alles. Per Trafficanalyse wissen die immer noch, wer wann mit wem geredet hat. Nur nicht mehr notwendigerweise worüber. Das sehen die nur, wenn einer der Gesprächsteilnehmer Hintertüren im System hatte oder das dann auch auf Facebook oder Twitter rausposaunt oder bloggt. Open Source ist ein Werkzeug, nicht die Lösung. Ihr müsst auch euer Verhalten entsprechend ändern.


The next “our Internet”

June 26th, 2013 No comments


HINWEIS | Hannover, 26. Juni 2013

Das Open Root Server Network wird seinen Dienst – auf Grund der vorliegenden Information zu dem Projekt PRISM der NSA und anderen Geheimdiensten – wieder aufnehmen. ORSN wird solche Projekte nicht aufhalten können aber es zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass ein alternatives DNS Root Server Netzwerk eine Berechtigung im Europäischen Internet besitzt.

Zur Zeit werden die Vorbereitungen getroffen das DNS Netzwerk in den Wiederanlauf zu bringen. Das kann noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Interessierte Benutzer aus der Community sind eingeladen dieses Projekt zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationen erfolgen demnächst auf dieser Seite.

Markus Grundmann
Open Root Server Network


Have you seen the Fox?

June 9th, 2013 No comments

fox at the airport

Tonight (09JUN2013 at 19:48 UTC) at LSZH a living Fox has been spotted by a departing aircraft from runway 32. Listen to the ATC conversation, which he caused:

Source: LiveATC

ATC Transcript:
[TWR]: SWR1584 departure bye bye
[SWR1584]: To departure bye bye SWR1584 and for your information we had a living Fox just on the runway
[TWR]: ok thank you
[SWR564]: ade

[TWR]: SWR564 you copied?
[SWR564]: Yes SWR564
[TWR]: And you're ready for departure?
[SWR564]: Affirm SWR564
[TWR]: Thank you
[SWR979]: Tower guete n'Abig Swiss 4 and a half miles 28. 979 4 and a half miles ILS 28
[TWR]: SWR979 hello

[TWR]: SWR564 wind 340 degrees 4 knodts runway 32 cleared takeoff
[SWR564]: Runway 32 cleared for takeoff SWR564
[TWR]: HAM281E lineup runway 32
[HAM281E]: Lining-up 32 HAM281E

[TWR]: CHN34J good evening, you're ready?
[CHN34J]: affirm 34J
[TWR]: Roger

[TWR]: SWR2147 APRON 121.75 guet Nacht
[SWR2147]: 121.75 guet Nacht SWR2147
[TWR]: SWR979 wind 010 degrees 3 knodts runway 28 cleared to land
[SWR979]: Cleared to land 28 SWR979
[SWR979]: Is 16 available? SWR979
[TWR]: Affirm
[SWR979]: Merci

(longer pause)

[TWR]: SWR564 have you seen the Fox?
[SWR564]: Negative, SWR564
[TWR]: Danke schön. Contact departure, guet Nacht
[SWR564]: Departure, guet Nacht SWR564

Categories: Aviation Tags: , , , ,

SWR979 09JUN2013 ATC

June 9th, 2013 No comments

SWR979 arriving from EDDT in swiss airspace.

Source: LiveATC

Swissradar frequency 136.150
[09JUN2013 19:25:08 UTC]
SWR979: … 208 for FL1-7-0
ACC: SWR979 hello identified cleared IBINI RILAX1A
SWR979: Say again SWR979
ACC: Correction of course EMKIL RILAX1A
SWR979: Ah jetz isch klar hä! EMKIL, das ist gerade aus und dann RILAX1A SWR979
ACC: Genau. Sorry

[09JUN2013 19:26:33 UTC]
ACC: SWR979 descend to FL160
SWR979: Descending level 160 any avoid (?) restrictions? SWR979
ACC: Negative

[09JUN2013 19:30:35 UTC]
ACC: SWR979 contact arrival 1-3-1 decimal 1-5-0 good bye
SWR979: 3-1-1-5-0 guet Nacht SWR979

Zurich arrival East frequency 131.150
[09JUN2013 19:32:35 UTC]
SWR979: Arrival guete n’Abig SWR979 Airbus 3-20 with INDIA level 1-5-4 for 1-5-0
ARR: SWR979 Zurich Arrival grüetzi SONGI LAMAX expect ILS approach runway 2-8 reduce to speed 2-1-0 knodts
SWR979: reducing 2-10 SONGI LAMAX SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:33:25 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 proceed to AMIKI and hold
SWR979: AMIKI and hold SWR979 and any delay?
ARR: SWR979 negative expect just one holding pattern
SWR979: ok

[09JUN2013 19:34:12 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 descend to FL 1-4-0
SWR979: Descending now level 1-4-0 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:34:57 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 descend to FL 1-3-0
SWR979: Descending now 1-3-0 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:36:46 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 descend to FL 1-2-0
SWR979: Descending now level 1-2-0 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:37:58 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 descend to FL 1-1-0
SWR979: Descending level 1-1-0 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:38:40 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 descend to FL 100
SWR979: Descending now level 100 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:39:23 UTC]
SWR979: SWR979 turning into hold at AMIKI
ARR: SWR979 roger continue left turn heading 2-7-0 confirm left heading 2-7-0 vectoring to the ILS approach runway 2-8 descend to 7000ft QNH 1-0-0-8
SWR979: 1 double-0 8 descending 7000 left left heading 2-7-0 vector 2-8 SWR979
ARR: SWR979 correct expect 4-2 miles touchdown
SWR979: that’s copied

[09JUN2013 19:40:02 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 reduce speed 2-1-0 knodts
SWR979: We had descent SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:42:15 UTC]
ARR: Dee correction SWR979 turn left heading 1-8-0
SWR979: Left heading 1-8-0 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:42:47 UTC]
ARR: SWR979 contact final 1-2-5 descimal 3-2-5 good bye
SWR979: Bye bye SWR979 good night

Zurich final frequency 125.325
[09JUN2013 19:43:07 UTC]
SWR979: Final guete n’Abig SWR979
APP: Ah! SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:44:10 UTC]
APP: SWR979 descend to 6000ft
SWR979: Descending 6000 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:44:44 UTC]
APP: SWR979 right 2-1-0 descend to 5000ft
SWR979: Heading 2-1-0 descending 5000 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:45:17 UTC]
APP: SWR979 reduce to 1-8-0 knodts
SWR979: Reducing speed 1-80 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:45:35 UTC]
APP: SWR979 right 2-5-0 cleared ILS 2-8
SWR979: Right 2-5-0 cleared ILS 2-8 call you SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:46:53 UTC]
SWR979: SWR979 established ILS 2-8
APP: SWR979 thank you reduce to 1-6-0 knodts
SWR979: Reducing 1-6 this is 979

[09JUN2013 19:48:12 UTC]
APP: SWR979 tower 18-1 bye!
SWR979: Byebye guet Nacht, SWR979
APP: Thank you

Zurich tower frequency 118.100
[09JUN2013 19:48:19 UTC]
SWR979: Tower guete n’Abig Swiss 4 and a half miles 2-8. 979 4 and a half miles ILS 2-8
TWR: SWR979 hello

[09JUN2013 19:49:06 UTC]
TWR: SWR979 wind 0-1-0 degrees 3 knodts runway 2-8 cleared to land
SWR979: Cleared to land 2-8 SWR979

[09JUN2013 19:49:22 UTC]
SWR979: Is 1-6 available for SWR979?
TWR: Affirm
SWR979: Merci

[09JUN2013 19:50:36 UTC]
TWR: SWR979 Apron 1-2-1-7-5 guet Nacht
SWR979: 1-2-1-7-5 gute Nacht SWR979

Zurich Apron south frequency 121.750
[09JUN2013 19:51:00 UTC]
SWR979: Apron guten Abend SWR979 on ECHO
GND: SWR979 guete n’Abig turn second left into the INNER stand ALPHA 1-7
SWR979: INNER ALPHA 1-7 SWR979 schönen Abend
GND: Glychfalls